Halforum Potluck. Whatcha Gonna Bring?

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Staff member
The unthinkable has happened. Halforumites from across the globe find themselves in a situation where they can meet each other. A potluck is organized; what will you bring to the party?

Personally, I think I'm gonna bring you folks lots and lots of strawberry rahka for dessert. It's sweet, it's tasty, and the one I make has lotsa big, juicy strawberries in it. Something like the one below but more visible 'berries.

Barring that, I'd probably bring a local delicacy from my home region: smoked lake herring. Just pick a knife and dig in.

I don't have pictures, but I'd do something with mashed potatoes. Likely mix in some spinach and cheddar, along with the usual garlic and whatnot.


Staff member
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, herring....

I'd bring some of my homemade french bread, some pralines, and a big dutch oven fulla etouffee.

(Espy, I think that might be some kinda alcoholic punch...)
Yeah, I think I won't be drinking anything Shegs prepares :p

Hmmm... I'd probably bring,

Allioli sauce

and Pa amb Tomaquet w/ Pernil Serrano

Relatively cheap food, incredibly yummy and typical :p
I would probably bring something BIG like a HUGE pot of chicken and sausage gumbo!!!!! Or my mom's secret tamale recipe!

And I would drink anything shego fixed me.


A really delicious and wholly bastardized sanseafood jambalaya.


Wasabi Poptart

I would bring my friend's meatless version of moussaka and some crusty bread.

I make champion sweet garlic chicken wings, which can be either regular or burning doom in their hotness.


Staff member
I'll bring the cinnamon rolls. Or at least that's what I'll say. Then I'll be broke and not be able to buy any.

Kind of like at my work RIGHT NOW!
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