Holy fucking shit!

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Kitty Sinatra

I got to say, going out in a coyote attack is as badass as it gets, i'll take that over cancer and heart disease any day
Dude, there's at least one better way to go than by coyote attack.

Kitty Sinatra

yeah, but I forgot the virgins. It's the only reason I'm still alive.
Fun fact: There are no Coyotes in Newfoundland.

Those traumatized by this story are free to sleep on my couch.
Only if you've tesed it to ensure it's coyote-free.[/quote]

Iaculus, if you're still not sure, you can share my bed. :eyebrows:

---------- Post added at 05:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:50 PM ----------

Fun fact: There are no Coyotes in Newfoundland.

Those traumatized by this story are free to sleep on my couch.
But there ARE moose. And good lord, those things are huge.[/quote]

Oh, they're harmless unless you plow into them going 120 km/h on the highway.

There's a reason they've been nicknamed 'Newfoundland Speedbumps.'[/QUOTE]

The single most dangerous animal in Canada is a male moose during mating season. They account for more attacks and deaths than all others combined.

Still at least one coyote left from the pack that attacked her, rangers have had no luck locating it. Park is stll under quarantine. Sad.

We are having a huge problem with animals habituating with humans in the maritimes. There is a park in New Brunswick currently supported 600% more foxes than normal soley based on human interaction. So much so that the foxes are acting like pack animals, a trait unheard of in them.
In my hometown, a small city outside of Edmonton, it's not uncommon to see deer, coyote and the biggest fucking rabbits in front lawns, kilometers from the nearest forested area.

In the town I'm in now, coyotes are a huge problem and we're often called to get them out of the town (seeing as the town's too small for a proper animal control center). I've had to bring some of our local street drunks (they come in from the reserves in droves and drink, since the town is basically the only non-dry spot for about 100 kilometers in any direction and then just go to sleep in bank instant teller lobbies or wherever they find.) to the hospital because they'll pass out and a coyote will start munching on them. One guy had massive lacerations on his head from it. They have little to no fear of humans anymore and like I said in an earlier post, are generally harmless to individuals, groups of kids, or even just kids on their own but they have been known to attack folk.

It sucks because they're fucking smarter than dogs, the learn, they bolt at the sight of a cruiser.
I hear the bells of doom from Hollywood producer offices:
Let's make a movie out of this. And as usual let the story be a bad remake while we are at it.

"A coyote stole my baby!"

Kitty Sinatra

I doubt they were rabid. For one, it would've been mentioned by now. Mostly though, rabies is really damn uncommon in North America now.

Also, foxes are quite common in Toronto. Yes, Canada's largest city has real wildlife. There's a series of ravines in the city that are completely wooded, and though there are walking paths down in them, they're not completely tamed. There are, reportedly, even deer living in them; mythically, there's cougars down there, too. I remember seeing a family of foxes as I crossed a bridge over one of these ravines.

(And I've hooked up with a cougar, too, who was kinda foxy)
Err...Foxes in cities is strange how? Brussels has plenty of them; I can name at least 3 locations where foxes live within walking distance of my appartment. That's one family of foxes, and two separate individuals. :-P

Heck, I've seen robins here :)

Kitty Sinatra

I was setting up my foxy cougar line. Coincidentally, her name was Robin.


what? foxes in Brussels, where? I haven't seen wild live in Ghent for the 6 years I have lived there ....
I thought for sure there were coyotes in Newfoundland. Theystowed away on the ferry, didn't they? Same as the snakes.


AHA! Suck it Rob!


And we have snakes too? What the hell?! Everything I thought I knew is a lie![/QUOTE]

There's snakes on the south coast, only place in Newfoundland with them. Apparently some fisherman fifty odd years ago brought them on his boat to keep rats away...or so the legend goes.

Kitty Sinatra

Jesus smurfing Jesus, I am sick of these mothersmurfing rats on this mothersmurfing boat. I know! Snakes'll get rid of 'em!


Staff member
Rabbits and pheasants. That's what's in my town.

Plus, every summer's theres reports of moose and bears trodding into the cityscape. Never seen one, though.
I remember reading a travel blog once, and the writer was talking about wolves in Moscow. Apparently they're so brazen that it's nothing to see one wander onto the city's metro and hitch a ride across town.
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