Youtube help, please!

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Staff member
Can you help me find one of those videos that you make a friend watch really closely, and at the end something jumps out and scares them?

The more popular the better. Not a video but a game. This one's been around for years but a few years back I scared the shit out of several people in the office with this one. The best part is how intent they look at the screen on the last level when the pop up appears.

Occasional Poster Not a video but a game. This one's been around for years but a few years back I scared the shit out of several people in the office with this one. The best part is how intent they look at the screen on the last level when the pop up appears.
Oh, I remember this one from some years ago. I got so freaked out that I couldn't watch videos online for months. I would let pictures load and then wait a minute while only glancing at it before really looking at it, to make sure that it wasn't a screamer.

I've never been good with screamers, but this one really got me. I guess it was the straw that broke the camel's back. Not a video but a game. This one's been around for years but a few years back I scared the shit out of several people in the office with this one. The best part is how intent they look at the screen on the last level when the pop up appears.
Holy shit yeah!
I played this "game" somewhen long after midnight...
I couldn't sleep for some time after...

Funny thing was the week after I forwarded this to my office colleagus and you instantly heard who just had reached the final part...
One even ripped his headphone plug out of the socket.
These things are the reason why I check whether a "when you see it" motivational poster is a gif first, before studying it closely.


Staff member
My dad sent me a thing where you find hidden dots in the picture and click on them to progress.

I am almost never fooled by Screamers, but that one got me.

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