PAX East

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Between March 26th and March 28th, 2010, Boston will be the center of the nerd universe.

It's PAX East, baby!

I was thrilled when I heard that the Penny-Arcade Expo was coming to the east coast. I might finally be able to attend! I was less thrilled when I heard it was going to be in Boston, which is still a long fucking way away from Florida.

But I've decided I'm going to go anyway. I'm not sure how yet, because it would be an expensive trip, and the wal-mart money isn't very lucrative to me. But I'll find a way. I will be there, and it will be awesome.

So, who else is going? We should have a halforum meet at the con.
Whoa... just looked at the calendar again (yay doubletakes) and noticed I have 1.5 weeks off for Easter! WHEEE!
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