More Cops Being Douches

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Le Quack, your consistent postings of police officers being stupid had convinced me. We should get rid of all cops everywhere, except for the prison guards- they'll be needed to guard the police officers we'll be arresting, after all.

Without police officers, society should improve drastically. It'll be a Utopia. Criminals only exist to fight against the oppressive police officers, after all. Robber McGutstab will go back to his two wives and three kids and get a real job now that there's no one to struggle against.


Get a new gimmick Quack. We get it. You hate cops and anybody who dares actually, you know, enforce rules and laws.

Grow up.


the films seem to be heavily edited (in terms just to get the "douche" part) personally I would like to see the whole clip of an event.
Sorry Quack, going to have to go with the guys on this one. This clip seems very unreliable and the website has an obvious bias.

As do you.

Sorry. :(

Le Quack

Alright, I won't stop posting these videos, but that's cool if you don't believe them. I'm not gonna antagonize about you. A serious overhaul is needed with our police department. More formally, an entire new branch unrelated to the police to in effect, police the police.

Le Quack

Checks and Balances man; it works in the government. Why not for the police?
But who watches the watchmen!?
You beat me to it.

Seriously, corruption will run into any department. There's no way to effectively to police the police because the guys you hire to watch the cops will needs someone watching them.

You'd need a paragon of absolute virtue and I don't believe that has EVER existed.
But who watches the watchmen!?
You beat me to it.

Seriously, corruption will run into any department. There's no way to effectively to police the police because the guys you hire to watch the cops will needs someone watching them.

You'd need a paragon of absolute virtue and I don't believe that has EVER existed.[/QUOTE]

He did, but we killed him *Flex*


But who watches the watchmen!?
You beat me to it.

Seriously, corruption will run into any department. There's no way to effectively to police the police because the guys you hire to watch the cops will needs someone watching them.

You'd need a paragon of absolute virtue and I don't believe that has EVER existed.[/QUOTE]


Well, so much for asking Jesus to do it.

Le Quack

Alright, it's cool. Its totally a smart idea to give people almost unlimited power over civilians with no way to police men. Especially whenever said people are prone to corruption. The system totally works. Nothing is wrong with it, nothing should be done.


Alright, I won't stop posting these videos, but that's cool if you don't believe them. I'm not gonna antagonize about you. A serious overhaul is needed with our police department. More formally, an entire new branch unrelated to the police to in effect, police the police.
well, there are SOME officers that may need counseling and well, training. After all, they are human and human makes mistakes (even the best of them) consider the clip of how many events? (looks to be around 20-30 at least 10 for sure before 1/4 mark) now how many police related event in the U.S.? how about how many in a State, a county or even your city?

it is a pretty small number really. I saw one part of the video that a guy come in to report something but didn't want to show ID and trying to be a dick and said nevermind and try to leave.

Well, if you saw a crime and didn't report it, it is a crime (well that was establish on "by stander effect) ID is needed to ensure a record is kept and more than likely need to contact later if a witness needs to be called.

I'm sure part of those video left out the reporter (the person reporting the event) is being a dick which cause the police to react.


I am looking forward to the point where the "I'm so drnk" and the "fuck da police" threads unite. That should be pretty interesting.

Some police are corrupt, some of any group are. I am glad we have the police to watch out for us. I know I have benefited personally from it.

Le Quack

Because you should have to be told if you can file a complaint or not.
But who watches the watchmen!?
You beat me to it.

Seriously, corruption will run into any department. There's no way to effectively to police the police because the guys you hire to watch the cops will needs someone watching them.

You'd need a paragon of absolute virtue and I don't believe that has EVER existed.[/QUOTE]

He did, but we killed him *Flex*[/QUOTE]

I said I don't believe such a person has ever existed.

Maybe Jesus was the only guy for the job...but I'm sure he'd probably have a better way of doing things anyways.

A divine way.
Checks and Balances man; it works in the government.

That being said, I will agree that there is need for oversight. I will also agree that you occasionally do encounter police officers who are real dicks. I've met one. Of course, I've also met close to a hundred officers who weren't dicks, so 1/100 is a ratio that I'm ok with. Obviously, I wish that one guy hadn't been a dick, but a 1% error ratio is pretty damn good.

And yes, I really can honestly say that I've met close to a hundred police officers. As an Eagle Scout I spent a lot of time when I was younger working with local, county, and state police on Search and Rescue, Disaster Recovery, and Emergency Preparedness measures.

Le Quack

Checks and Balances man; it works in the government.

That being said, I will agree that there is need for oversight. I will also agree that you occasionally do encounter police officers who are real dicks. I've met one. Of course, I've also met close to a hundred officers who weren't dicks, so 1/100 is a ratio that I'm ok with. Obviously, I wish that one guy hadn't been a dick, but a 1% error ratio is pretty damn good.

And yes, I really can honestly say that I've met close to a hundred police officers. As an Eagle Scout I spent a lot of time when I was younger working with local, county, and state police on Search and Rescue, Disaster Recovery, and Emergency Preparedness measures.[/QUOTE]

I know that there are good cops. I'm not focusing on the good cops. I'm focusing on the bad cops and "cop culture." Honestly, I am not satisfied with 1/100. It only takes one time for something to happen that will ruin an innocent person's life. This is unacceptable for people who are here to protect and serve us. Of course treat good cops with respect, there are so few of them. Its time to crack down on the bad cops.


Alright, it's cool. Its totally a smart idea to give people almost unlimited power over civilians with no way to police men. Especially whenever said people are prone to corruption. The system totally works. Nothing is wrong with it, nothing should be done.
To be honest, LeQuack, I have a fundamental distrust for police officers myself. It's for the same reason that I don't trust people in shady neighborhoods: I'm sure the average one is okay, but you hear enough stories to always be wary.

The Las Vegas Police Department, at least, is an absolute joke from my experience. And I've heard unsubstantiated rumors involving the department turning a blind eye to human trafficking in the city.

The trouble is, you can never be sure which tales are true, which ones are completely made up, and which ones have a slim basis in reality.
But who watches the watchmen!?
You beat me to it.

Seriously, corruption will run into any department. There's no way to effectively to police the police because the guys you hire to watch the cops will needs someone watching them.

You'd need a paragon of absolute virtue and I don't believe that has EVER existed.[/QUOTE]

He did, but we killed him *Flex*[/QUOTE]

I said I don't believe such a person has ever existed.

Maybe Jesus was the only guy for the job...but I'm sure he'd probably have a better way of doing things anyways.

A divine way.[/QUOTE]

OR....a marvel way!

Le Quack

Alright, it's cool. Its totally a smart idea to give people almost unlimited power over civilians with no way to police men. Especially whenever said people are prone to corruption. The system totally works. Nothing is wrong with it, nothing should be done.
To be honest, LeQuack, I have a fundamental distrust for police officers myself. It's for the same reason that I don't trust people in shady neighborhoods: I'm sure the average one is okay, but you hear enough stories to always be wary.

The Las Vegas Police Department, at least, is an absolute joke from my experience. And I've heard unsubstantiated rumors involving the department turning a blind eye to human trafficking in the city.

The trouble is, you can never be sure which tales are true, which ones are completely made up, and which ones have a slim basis in reality.[/QUOTE]

I understand much can be unfounded. When we have video taps of obvious police abuse and nothing happens to them, how can we be assured of our safety? I won't be a sucker for anybody. I've got a degree that can help me get a job in law enforcement, and as soon as I can I'll try to get transferred into Internal Affairs.


Alright, it's cool. Its totally a smart idea to give people almost unlimited power over civilians with no way to police men. Especially whenever said people are prone to corruption. The system totally works. Nothing is wrong with it, nothing should be done.
To be honest, LeQuack, I have a fundamental distrust for police officers myself. It's for the same reason that I don't trust people in shady neighborhoods: I'm sure the average one is okay, but you hear enough stories to always be wary.

The Las Vegas Police Department, at least, is an absolute joke from my experience. And I've heard unsubstantiated rumors involving the department turning a blind eye to human trafficking in the city.

The trouble is, you can never be sure which tales are true, which ones are completely made up, and which ones have a slim basis in reality.[/QUOTE]

I understand much can be unfounded. When we have video taps of obvious police abuse and nothing happens to them, how can we be assured of our safety? I won't be a sucker for anybody. I've got a degree that can help me get a job in law enforcement, and as soon as I can I'll try to get transferred into Internal Affairs.[/QUOTE]

Hmm. Someone who doesn't trust police working for internal affairs.

That... sounds like a good idea, actually.


Checks and Balances man; it works in the government.

That being said, I will agree that there is need for oversight. I will also agree that you occasionally do encounter police officers who are real dicks. I've met one. Of course, I've also met close to a hundred officers who weren't dicks, so 1/100 is a ratio that I'm ok with. Obviously, I wish that one guy hadn't been a dick, but a 1% error ratio is pretty damn good.

And yes, I really can honestly say that I've met close to a hundred police officers. As an Eagle Scout I spent a lot of time when I was younger working with local, county, and state police on Search and Rescue, Disaster Recovery, and Emergency Preparedness measures.[/QUOTE]

I know that there are good cops. I'm not focusing on the good cops. I'm focusing on the bad cops and "cop culture." Honestly, I am not satisfied with 1/100. It only takes one time for something to happen that will ruin an innocent person's life. This is unacceptable for people who are here to protect and serve us. Of course treat good cops with respect, there are so few of them. Its time to crack down on the bad cops.[/QUOTE]

heh.. if any human can be 100% virtuous and have that kind of authority, wow... I would love to meet that person.

The thing is that you can never have 100% since we are human, human make errors and sometimes poor judgment even the best of them (I remember some videos back in this forum)

does it make it ok? no, but if you have impossible rules, then no one will ever qualify.
So guy goes in to make a complaint, they ask for I.D. which can be as simple as telling them his name (which is required by law if asked by an officer) a drivers license or I.D. card is not required. So they arrest him. I see no wrong there

edit: I didn't watch all of that video the part of the cop in the par and the one that got pulled over, wow.


Man, I'm just putting you back on the ignore list. It's not worth seeing your trite issues concerning the police all the time.


Checks and Balances man; it works in the government.

That being said, I will agree that there is need for oversight. I will also agree that you occasionally do encounter police officers who are real dicks. I've met one. Of course, I've also met close to a hundred officers who weren't dicks, so 1/100 is a ratio that I'm ok with. Obviously, I wish that one guy hadn't been a dick, but a 1% error ratio is pretty damn good.

And yes, I really can honestly say that I've met close to a hundred police officers. As an Eagle Scout I spent a lot of time when I was younger working with local, county, and state police on Search and Rescue, Disaster Recovery, and Emergency Preparedness measures.[/QUOTE]

I know that there are good cops. I'm not focusing on the good cops. I'm focusing on the bad cops and "cop culture." Honestly, I am not satisfied with 1/100. It only takes one time for something to happen that will ruin an innocent person's life. This is unacceptable for people who are here to protect and serve us. Of course treat good cops with respect, there are so few of them. Its time to crack down on the bad cops.[/QUOTE]

heh.. if any human can be 100% virtuous and have that kind of authority, wow... I would love to meet that person.

The thing is that you can never have 100% since we are human, human make errors and sometimes poor judgment even the best of them (I remember some videos back in this forum)

does it make it ok? no, but if you have impossible rules, then no one will ever qualify.[/QUOTE]

That's not true! Le Quack is 100% virtuous! He has no biases at all!
Most of these videos are carefully edited so viewers don't get to see those goddamn hippies goading the police on. I'm an Eagle Scout and have had a lot of contact with the police. I know the cops have a stressful job so I treat them like I would want to be treated. They're human so they respond in kind. I have not had a single negative encounter with the police.

I made friends with the off-duty cops during my freshman year in the dorm. My roommate was a party animal and used drugs, so the cops usually had to come calling. They'd knock on the door, break the party up, do whatever else they needed to do, and then say to me, "Hey man, sorry to wake you up. We'll be out of your hair in a minute. You're not here as far as we're concerned."
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