More Cops Being Douches

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Most of these videos are carefully edited so viewers don't get to see those goddamn hippies goading the police on. I'm an Eagle Scout and have had a lot of contact with the police. I know the cops have a stressful job so I treat them like I would want to be treated. They're human so they respond in kind. I have not had a single negative encounter with the police.

I made friends with the off-duty cops during my freshman year in the dorm. My roommate was a party animal and used drugs, so the cops usually had to come calling. They'd knock on the door, break the party up, do whatever else they needed to do, and then say to me, "Hey man, sorry to wake you up. We'll be out of your hair in a minute. You're not here as far as we're concerned."
I think it all boils down to courtesy, the police have a job to ensure the peace. Depending where you are, it can be stressful at times.

Treat others as you want to be treated and generally it will go smoothly.

being confrontational, well, you are more than likely to get yourself into more trouble than it is worth.
I think if you have a complaint with a police officer you should be able to answer simple questions like who you are and where it happened and what the complaint pertains to. These people are acting like being asked for their name and stuff is an invasion of their rights.

I'm sorry, I'm all for holding cops up to higher standards and everything but I don't see anything wrong here, except perhaps some of the officers were maybe a little rude. Maybe.
To be fair, crooked cops are NOTORIOUS for being vindictive assholes... and straight cops are just as notorious for letting them get away with it. Giving them your name and address is basically giving them all the information they need to ruin your life. I can understand why some would be hesitant to give out info to them.


To be fair, crooked cops are NOTORIOUS for being vindictive assholes... and straight cops are just as notorious for letting them get away with it. Giving them your name and address is basically giving them all the information they need to ruin your life. I can understand why some would be hesitant to give out info to them.
Yeah, no. I can't even argue it because this is such an untrue statement.
To be fair, crooked cops are NOTORIOUS for being vindictive assholes... and straight cops are just as notorious for letting them get away with it. Giving them your name and address is basically giving them all the information they need to ruin your life. I can understand why some would be hesitant to give out info to them.

If you aren't in that "world" then crooked cops are the last type of people who will drag innocent people into it.
I don't see how they could really. It's not like they have a shit list of people who ever made a complaint of a cop and harass them at every turn.

At most I'd imagine that if that front desk cop saw my car, remembered my license plate from my file, remembered that I made a complaint, then he might pull me over for going 4 miles over the speed limit. And honestly that's all he could actually do to me. I keep my doors locked, so it's not like he could just barge into my home or anything and mess with me. Plus he probably has 100 other things to do that are more worth his time.

That's what this video looks like to me. Cops getting mad because these guys come in, acting as if they have a complaint and getting nothing but bullshit thrown back at them.
I know that there are good cops. I'm not focusing on the good cops. I'm focusing on the bad cops and "cop culture." Honestly, I am not satisfied with 1/100. It only takes one time for something to happen that will ruin an innocent person's life. This is unacceptable for people who are here to protect and serve us. Of course treat good cops with respect, there are so few of them. Its time to crack down on the bad cops.
So the only thing that will satisfy you is perfection all the time? And anything less leads to this impotent crusade against authority?

I agree with everyone else. Grow up.


Alright, I won't stop posting these videos, but that's cool if you don't believe them. I'm not gonna antagonize about you. A serious overhaul is needed with our police department. More formally, an entire new branch unrelated to the police to in effect, police the police.
I agree. Around here, you break the law even if you don't break the law. When the end of every month rolls around, we know its time for cops to fill ticket quotas, cause going under the speed limit STILL gets you a speeding ticket and not all of us have the time or money to fight it :(

Quack is right about police, in my opinion.


Alright, I won't stop posting these videos, but that's cool if you don't believe them. I'm not gonna antagonize about you. A serious overhaul is needed with our police department. More formally, an entire new branch unrelated to the police to in effect, police the police.
I agree. Around here, you break the law even if you don't break the law. When the end of every month rolls around, we know its time for cops to fill ticket quotas, cause going under the speed limit STILL gets you a speeding ticket and not all of us have the time or money to fight it :(

Quack is right about police, in my opinion.[/QUOTE]

And this has happened to your personally more than once at the end of the month? And you were for sure not speeding? Because otherwise this is just a standard case of one jerk cop out of a thousand, people who claim 'what a jerk I wasn't speeding at all (they were)', or both.


Alright, I won't stop posting these videos, but that's cool if you don't believe them. I'm not gonna antagonize about you. A serious overhaul is needed with our police department. More formally, an entire new branch unrelated to the police to in effect, police the police.
I agree. Around here, you break the law even if you don't break the law. When the end of every month rolls around, we know its time for cops to fill ticket quotas, cause going under the speed limit STILL gets you a speeding ticket and not all of us have the time or money to fight it :(

Quack is right about police, in my opinion.[/QUOTE]

And this has happened to your personally more than once at the end of the month? And you were for sure not speeding? Because otherwise this is just a standard case of one jerk cop out of a thousand, people who claim 'what a jerk I wasn't speeding at all (they were)', or both.[/QUOTE]

Its happened to myself once, and to other people I know. Police setting speed traps is common, sitting on some small side road out of sight to catch speeders is one thing, when I'm going obviously below the limit and still getting ticketed is another. For lower class folks, its just more feasible to pay the ticket rather than the court costs and fighting it.

But who can fight it? We can't fight traffic cameras, seat belt laws (im against it, if you want to risk your own life that should be your decision), etc.

Cops are supposed to serve and protect, not help their local city governments supplement their income with ticket fees and bullshit.
I have a very hard time believing your story. Either someone was speeding, or it didn't happen.
Seconded. If people don't want to get ticketed for speeding they probably shouldn't speed.

My family's apartment complex is on a hill. You take a right turn and there's a long, straight, wide road leading down to the main thoroughfare. The speed limit is 40 mph but for some reason people love to floor the gas pedal and streak down the hill at 60-70. There's usually a police cruiser at the corner (in full view, I might add) who can nab them. Those people don't have shit to complain about because they were speeding significantly over the limit. A three-year-old kid was almost run over a couple years ago when he was just crossing the street with his Dad. Whenever I come back to visit I can usually find the cop writing somebody up. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
I don't even feel comfortable without having my seatbelt on.

In L.A it's hard to love cops. They take their time for anything unless there is a gun involved. But considering there is usually something very bad going down at any given moment in this city it's hard not to blame them.
You people who don't wear seatbelts really should. That's one of the essential rules for surviving a zombie attack. Sheesh.
But who can fight it? We can't fight traffic cameras, seat belt laws (im against it, if you want to risk your own life that should be your decision), etc.

Cops are supposed to serve and protect, not help their local city governments supplement their income with ticket fees and bullshit.
Actually, I've had a friend win a case against a traffic camera by asking to be able to confront his accuser (in this case, a traffic camera up a 50 foot pole). I guess the judge had a sense of humor that day or something, because he found in his favor and the ticket was voided.


Being against seat belt laws boggles my mind, Mav.

I never understood the people who refuse to wear 'm.
It shouldn't even be a bother to do so.
I will not sit in a car with someone who doesn't wear one.
I don't want to see the bloody pulp as he or she hits the pavement in an accident.
Because its my option to use it? I'm not forcing anyone to ride in the car with me, nor am I forcing other drivers to use one if they don't want to. But the law says I have to wear one?

The laws to protect people are such double standards its not even funny. We recently passed a law for no smoking in doors in public places, anywhere (restaurants, clubs, etc). They raise taxes on cigarettes, make them available in less places, etc etc etc YET, where are the stricter laws for alcohol? Yes, second hand smokes can kill but so can that drunk driver who could afford that 6 pack that was $3 at the local grocery store who ends up killing a child in a hit & run while drunk.

The law is ass backwards in most cases, it truly is. We've given up more freedoms and abilities for the sake of safety and what the local governments deem good for people. If I choose to not wear a seat belt that should by MY choice not someone elses.
The laws to protect people are such double standards its not even funny. We recently passed a law for no smoking in doors in public places, anywhere (restaurants, clubs, etc). They raise taxes on cigarettes, make them available in less places, etc etc etc YET, where are the stricter laws for alcohol? Yes, second hand smokes can kill but so can that drunk driver who could afford that 6 pack that was $3 at the local grocery store who ends up killing a child in a hit & run while drunk.
People have the right to enjoy being in a restaurant or club without choking on cigarette smoke. The bartenders and waitresses also have the right to work in a healthy environment. After a year in South Korea where EVERYBODY smokes nearly everywhere, I have grown to appreciate state laws against smoking in public areas.

As for drunk drivers, I think they deserve a much, MUCH harsher punishment. I see that as a crime of absolute irresponsibility and criminal negligence.
It's your choice to go and kill 5 people, too; or jump off a cliff. Still not very *good* choices.

Not wearing a seat belt will result in more physical damage to yourself in case of an accident. More healthcare costs. Possibly higher insurance costs. More medical personnel having to deal with you, being paid by the government or whoever, but probably not you, who could be doing better things with that time.

Not wearing a seatbelt is almsot as moronic as driving a motor cycle at high speed in short pants and a t-shirt.


I have to agree that a lot of US laws make absolutely zero sense, including some of the liquor laws.

What is your reason for not wearing a seatbelt tho ? I almost get the (false, of course) notion that it's for the 'thrill'. "Living on the edge, baby! YEAH!!"

Really, what is it? Just uncomfortable wearing one? Would getting seatbelt v2.0beta fix that or don't you wear one out of principle simply because there is a law saying you have to.
I find them uncomfortable, I dislike having something restraining me, I've never liked objects around my neck really, at least nothing that was designed to be held in place. I'm not claustrophobic I just dislike being withheld by any type of device. Plus, yea I really don't think I should be required to wear one, it should be my choice.

Little things like this are just the baby steps to a democracy falling. How long before we are told what we are allowed to wear in public? What we are allowed to eat? As time goes by we lose less and less control over our choices. People forget, the government exists to serve us, not the other way around.
I have to agree that a lot of US laws make absolutely zero sense, including some of the liquor laws.

What is your reason for not wearing a seatbelt tho ? I almost get the (false, of course) notion that it's for the 'thrill'. "Living on the edge, baby! YEAH!!"

Really, what is it? Just uncomfortable wearing one? Would getting seatbelt v2.0beta fix that or don't you wear one out of principle simply because there is a law saying you have to.
I find them uncomfortable, I dislike having something restraining me, I've never liked objects around my neck really, at least nothing that was designed to be held in place. I'm not claustrophobic I just dislike being withheld by any type of device. Plus, yea I really don't think I should be required to wear one, it should be my choice.

Little things like this are just the baby steps to a democracy falling. How long before we are told what we are allowed to wear in public? What we are allowed to eat? As time goes by we lose less and less control over our choices. People forget, the government exists to serve us, not the other way around.[/QUOTE]
We're not a democracy. We're a Republic.

:popcorn: Carry on.


I have to agree that a lot of US laws make absolutely zero sense, including some of the liquor laws.

What is your reason for not wearing a seatbelt tho ? I almost get the (false, of course) notion that it's for the 'thrill'. "Living on the edge, baby! YEAH!!"

Really, what is it? Just uncomfortable wearing one? Would getting seatbelt v2.0beta fix that or don't you wear one out of principle simply because there is a law saying you have to.
I find them uncomfortable, I dislike having something restraining me, I've never liked objects around my neck really, at least nothing that was designed to be held in place. I'm not claustrophobic I just dislike being withheld by any type of device. Plus, yea I really don't think I should be required to wear one, it should be my choice.
Never rode a rollercoaster then huh? You're missing out, man.

Little things like this are just the baby steps to a democracy falling. How long before we are told what we are allowed to wear in public? What we are allowed to eat? As time goes by we lose less and less control over our choices. People forget, the government exists to serve us, not the other way around.
I... I don't even know what to say to this.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I'm not a fan of roller coasters, never been on one. Not because of the things that hold you in place, I am just scared of heights and have a weak stomach too.

You have to admit, little by little Americans are losing our freedoms.

Kitty Sinatra

Smoking in public? It's an absolutely fucking selfish thing to do. I mean, you're spreading your cancer to everyone near you. I don't punch you in the face, don't blow smoke in mine.
What Americans see as freedom was never freedom, but it is such a young country that they still have much to learn.

I think the keywords here are "the greater good" ?

Gotta have rules, man.
Freaky rules, man. They be all over my vibe, cramping my scat, ya dig?


Smoking in public? It's an absolutely fucking selfish thing to do. I mean, you're spreading your cancer to everyone near you. I don't punch you in the face, don't blow smoke in mine.
I agree, and I never smoke around people that do not want me too.

But does that mean alcohol drinkers perform the same courtesy? they don't. they (at least, some) still get drunk and harm others either in a car, with physical violence, etc, but there are no stricter laws on drinking.

Its a double standard, and I can tell you why, most of the politicians that are in place to push laws? They drink but don't smoke. I bet you dollars to donuts most of them have one of those fancy bottles of brandy or scotch in their office, but most aren't into cracking open a back of Marlboros and lighting up.


I have never ridden in a car without putting on a seat belt.
I have the best car seat for my daughter that money can buy.
I will teach her to wear her seat belt EVERY SINGLE TIME she gets into a car.

I am 100% against mandatory seat belt laws.

Freedom includes the freedom to be a complete idiot, as long as you don't infringe on others' rights.

As for restaurant smoking, there is no such thing as a "right" to dine or drink in an establishment without encountering smoke. You have the free will to not work in or patronize smoking establishments. Quit inventing "rights" out of whole cloth.

Kitty Sinatra

Smoking in public? It's an absolutely fucking selfish thing to do. I mean, you're spreading your cancer to everyone near you. I don't punch you in the face, don't blow smoke in mine.
I agree, and I never smoke around people that do not want me too.

But does that mean alcohol drinkers perform the same courtesy? they don't. they (at least, some) still get drunk and harm others either in a car, with physical violence, etc, but there are no stricter laws on drinking.

Its a double standard, and I can tell you why, most of the politicians that are in place to push laws? They drink but don't smoke. I bet you dollars to donuts most of them have one of those fancy bottles of brandy or scotch in their office, but most aren't into cracking open a back of Marlboros and lighting up.[/QUOTE]
Dude. It's way simpler than you make it out to be. One can publicly drink alcohol responsibly and not affect anyone. Irresponsible drinkers should not ruin the party for everyone else.

There's no such thing as a responsible public smoker. They will affect everyone nearby.

There is no good comparison between the two sins.
Smoking in public? It's an absolutely fucking selfish thing to do. I mean, you're spreading your cancer to everyone near you. I don't punch you in the face, don't blow smoke in mine.
I agree, and I never smoke around people that do not want me too.

But does that mean alcohol drinkers perform the same courtesy? they don't. they (at least, some) still get drunk and harm others either in a car, with physical violence, etc, but there are no stricter laws on drinking.

Its a double standard, and I can tell you why, most of the politicians that are in place to push laws? They drink but don't smoke. I bet you dollars to donuts most of them have one of those fancy bottles of brandy or scotch in their office, but most aren't into cracking open a back of Marlboros and lighting up.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, because drunk and disorderly, DUI laws and taxation on alcohol do not exist at all.

Like, at all.
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