20th Anniversary Of The Fall Of The Berlin Wall

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I remember as a kid watching it all unfold on t.v. over those couple of days and being amazed. Everyone just knew that things would never be the same after that, and the whirlwind of change that followed this was just incredible to watch.
My old geography teacher has a picture in his class where he's chipping a bit off the Berlin Wall.

I was born eight months after the fall, so don't have any tales to tell myself.


Staff member
...the whirlwind of change that followed this was just incredible to watch.

---------- Post added at 03:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 PM ----------

I was in Germany at the time. In Munich, but I was there.
I was in 8th grade when the Berlin wall fell. It was amazing. We spent most of the day in school talking about the significance of the event.


Staff member
Eleven years old at the time.

And wow Dave, I bet being in Germany at that moment must have been surreal!
It was pretty cool but even though there was a general feeling of goodwill, there was an undercurrent of xenophobia with not wanting the poor Eastern Germans coming in and taking the jobs of the Western Germans. I shit you not.
I was 13. I wanted a chunk of that wall.

It's odd how exciting it was back then, but doesn't seem like such a big deal now. I know it's a big deal, but I feel so far removed from it now.
I was 9, we watched it happening while at school. I remember I was in history class and my teacher was excited, telling us to remember this because it was a major historical moment.


I was 8.

I remember it pretty vividly. Like Math242 I really started to hate that damn song.

It wasn't untill probably 5 years later that my school district got new maps so it was always fun to have the teachers tell us to ignore the lines.
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