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My wife hates this time of year, but after several years, you'd think she'd be used to it!

That's right - it's MOVEMBER again!

What is Movember, you ask?

Movember is the November of growing Mo(ustache)s in support of Men's Health, specifically Prostate Cancer around the world.

In Canada for example, 1 in 6 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at one point in their lifes and over 4400 men die from prostate cancer each year.

Raising awareness and funds in support of prostate cancer, Movember, in alliance with Cancer Support organizations across the globe, organizes parties and fundraising activities to bring attention to this life-threatening disease.

For more information, visit

I've already got a 9 day Mo going. My father's had a Mo for 40 years so I'm trying to catch up.

No need to raise money, but put on a Mo to raise awareness for a good cause!
I feel an epic avatar month coming on! Everybody should post their avatars with moustaches on them! EVERYBODY!
Heh, a few people in my dorm are doing it--No shave November. Of course, however, they are doing it because /b/ told them to =_=


I'm too busy to change my regular avatar, so I changed into something I had lying around.

My wife would kill me if I had a mustache. NOT A FAN she is.

I would love to have a sweet mustache though and support a good cause.
My wife would kill me if I had a mustache. NOT A FAN she is.

I would love to have a sweet mustache though and support a good cause.
My wife has already cut me off for the month of Movember. (or at least she says she is..We'll see what happens in a week...)


I grew a beard for a thing in October and now this? Madness! My work will just think I'm trying to get away with looking like a hobo.


I've already got one. Now I can claim I was doing it before it was cool to do it - Thanks Movember!


Well, my dad just got diagnosed with prostate cancer a few weeks ago.
Doing the microscopic robotic surgery.
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