More ideas: things to make me RAGE

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Staff member
Further blogging ideas--this time at your fun, at my expense.

This idea I'm pursuing revolves around the idea that people will make me watch really stupid, insipid, aggravating things. The result of my pain, misery and rage will be entertaining.

SO, if you think this idea may hold water, and you want to hurt me in the pop culture nutsack...GIVE ME YOUR SUGGESTIONS
Yeah, almost any MST3K movie without the MST3k crew is horrible.

here I was going to suggest Community Theater.
I've only seen videos of people laughing at videos of people in horror watching 2 girls one cup. I might be willing to remove one layer of safety if it means I can laugh at a video of you watching it.

Does that even make sense?
If you pulled up at a checkout lane with an empty cart, would the cashier still ask you if you "found everything okay?"


Staff member is the site...but it's all still really under construction. The old doodle comics are up, as well as my first "blog" intro. There's also an about page, and a handful of broken links!

But feel free to enjoy!

Chazwozel is the site...but it's all still really under construction. The old doodle comics are up, as well as my first \"blog\" intro. There's also an about page, and a handful of broken links!

But feel free to enjoy!
I don't know about you but I want to throw a brick at the fat chick

wellp, that made me


Thanks a lot Droll. :(

Faith in humanity, dropping.

She's like watching a Prequel to Misery.


I'd recommend watching HP Lovecraft's: The Tomb, but you're less likely to rage and more likely to make you just stare blankly at it (if you make it past five minutes without quitting) and then start to silently cry once it's over.


If you want some new TV show that's terrible right now I'd recommend the "V" remake on ABC.

Because it is seriously one of the worst things ever.
If a subtitled version of the 3 first films with Chiquito de la Calzada exists, watch THAT.

The titles are:

"Condemor, el pecador de la pradera"
"Papá Piquillo"

The oly trailer I could find. It's of the second film:

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