Lady Gaga is amazing.

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I have to admit, I like both 'Bad Romance' and 'PokerFace', pop that isn't saccharine. Then again, I also liked Ewa Sonnet's album, though for different reasons...
I can't tell if the OP is sarcasm or not... help...

But it's nice that someone has finally given me a chance to post this:



I'm not a fan by any means (not my type of music at all), however I do recognize that the woman can actually sing! I get really sick and tired of the talentless bimbos that do nothing more than shake a booty to computer corrected vocals. At least this one is shaking her booty to a good voice :D
I think she's doing pop music right, though I'm not a fan myself. She's trying something new with her image and style and such and it's getting her the attention someone who's being creative (for once) deserves.
I am being 100% serious in every bit of praise I'm saying about Lady Gaga. I love everything about her. I could take a screencap of my iTunes with a disgusting play count for much of "The Fame".
Could be worse, he could still be giving Metallica his money and pretending they have any shred of talent left.

You truly are a fucking hipster.
My music taste is really erratic and I get a lot of suggestions from hipster friends. I've been dressing like a hobo(not the hipster kind) the last year or so though.

Could be worse, he could still be giving Metallica his money and pretending they have any shred of talent left.

Death Magnetic was actually a GREAT album, and better than some of the ones before St. Anger :)
I've never been a Metallica fan. I've given them plenty of chances and I know they did a lot to bring metal back to the forefront when bands like Whitesnake and Def Leppard were king but I just can't get into them.

That outfit is enough to make me like her. And who hasn't hummed "I wanna take a ride on your disco stick" while shopping at Home Depot? Considering Lady GaGa's competition is Miley Cyrus and her "Party in the USA" and Taylor Swift's "every song I sing sounds exactly the same" it's no wonder GaGa is doing as well as she is. I can't tell if she's serious about her image or is she a female Andy Kaufman making fools of her fans.


Staff member
Lady Gaga actually has talent and knows how to make music that is both fun and profitable. She's got a punk attitude that's drenched in the pop-club scene. Her hit songs are catchy as hell, I can't deny her that at all.

Also, I want a suit made out of Kermits.
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