How not to run a forum

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I stopped reading after the first one. Nerco is just nasty.
The "Don't be a Tim Buckley" link doesn't seem to work, I couldn't find any such article on the website.


It's listed under "Don't be a cad" or some nonsense.

It's Yahtzee being an asshole.


Staff member
I agree with your number 1. Especially on technical forums. On the C/C++ forums I check, some self-appointed thread police dick has to post "Don't necro threads!" for no reason anyone raises an old thread, even when their question is really closely related to the thread topic. Why? What's the point? What's so bad about reviving an old thread? I've never been able to come up with a good argument against it. The funny thing is that if you do ask a question that's closely related to an old thread, the same thread police dick will squawk at you about not searching. You can't win.
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