November 27 is our 1 Year Anniversary! UPDATED 11-24!!

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Staff member
Listen closely, children, while I tell you about a day when everything went black.

The day was November 27, 2008 and our protagonist - I'll call him "Dave" - awoke as normal. Everything seemed fine and he went about his day unaware of the evil that lie just around the corner. His day nearly over, he hopped onto the computer and discovered that some madman had set fire to his home away from home.

The ashes fell like snow onto his brow as he screamed impotently into the night. But wait! A glimmer of light flickered in the distance! Torches carried by others thrown from their domains were flocking together. The gnashing of teeth! The rending of clothing!

What has happened? They screamed. What will we do?

Several stood up and defiantly laid out a plan of attack against the Evil One. Some others cried, their lamentations lifting in the still air, assaulting the senses of those who remained, blowing away their sanity like so much dust.

And yet, a small voice lifted.

"I will take this mantle!"

Silence fell over the crowd as they turned toward the diminutive creature standing defiantly against the darkness.

"I will take this mantle, " he repeated. "Though I do not know what the fuck I am doing."

With that the crowds rejoiced. The Finnish Dwarf threw his axe into the fray, along with the Cajun's bow and the cigarette of the smoking baby.

The Mad Mexican took up the clarion call and ventured forth shouting, "It is here! We are here!"

And the people came.

One year later we remain, standing tall against the darkness which threatens to envelop us. So let the celebrations begin!!

Here's what that day will bring:

1) A Mousepad has been sent to Kurtz. If you saw the other thread you know that this is sincere and I think it's the best thing that happened to any of us.

2) I have hidden an item somewhere in the world. Every hour starting at noon CST I will answer 1 yes/no question from anyone. 1 question per person per hour. But of course you get the answers from others so there you go. What you need to figure out is: (1) What I hid. (2) Where it is hidden. (3) WHICH MEMBER OF THE FORUM I HAD HIDE IT! Prize will be discussed below.

3) Also starting at noon I will be on our Vent Server and will hit record. Not sure how long it's going to take to port over to Audacity or even if I can. I'll be testing this tonight. But if I can I'll have an all-day podcast style thing. If I can't set it up as an MP3 then it'll just be fun talking to everyone. Note that there is a limit of 15 people on the Vent server, so if we hit that limit we may have to kick someone every once in a while.


5) Also the whole time I will be in the #Halforums IRC page just chatting happily away. If the Vent is full go there and let me know you're in queue.

6) Winner of the mini-contest will get the following:

(a) The ability to pick my (safe for work) signature and avatar for the month of December.

(b) Mod for a day privileges. By this I mean you will have the ability to edit other people's posts, make snarky comments in colors, but NOT read the Mod area or ban people. It's for fun.

(c) The entire run of Y: The Last Man by Brian K. Vaughan and Pia Guerra.

I'm giving my whole day to you chowderheads, so let's be as silly and crazy as we want to be. It will be like an April Fool's Day kind of atmosphere so let's have fun.
November 27 is our 1 Year Anniversary! Come join the insanity!

*shakes fist at heavens* DAMN YOU, BLACK FRIDAY JOB IN RETAIL!
November 27 is our 1 Year Anniversary! Come join the insanity!

That's the day Paths of Power is going to be released, coincidentally.
November 27 is our 1 Year Anniversary! Come join the insanity!

I will be able to log on for a little bit but I sadly I won't be able to stay for the whole day


November 27 is our 1 Year Anniversary! Come join the insanity!

I'll be wargaming that morning but I'll be here some time in the afternoon.


Staff member
November 27 is our 1 Year Anniversary! Come join the insanity!

Should I change it to the next day? Saturday the 28th?
November 27 is our 1 Year Anniversary! Come join the insanity!

Should I change it to the next day? Saturday the 28th?
It can be the "Oh my God, I forget our" Anniversary Extravaganza! It can feature you buying flowers from a gas station on the way home, as you beg the forum to forgive you. It ends with you sleeping on the couch!


November 27 is our 1 Year Anniversary! Come join the insanity!

alas, I'll be lucky to be near a PC during that time (maybe at night) we are having people over and shopping. It will be fun.


Staff member
November 27 is our 1 Year Anniversary! Come join the insanity!

That whole weekend I'll be in a symposium in Michigan :(


Staff member
November 27 is our 1 Year Anniversary! Come join the insanity!

You people are bummers. Fuck you. I'll be around Friday. If I'm alone then I'm alone.



November 27 is our 1 Year Anniversary! Come join the insanity!

I can do the back half of the day. Black Friday is when I go into my office find everything we don't need and pitch it. So I can probably hang out once I'm done.
November 27 is our 1 Year Anniversary! Come join the insanity!

I vote in honor of the one year anniversary the forum is shut down without notice on Friday, and all communication has to happen in IRC and vent.

Philosopher B.

November 27 is our 1 Year Anniversary! Come join the insanity!

We could all post on Image for a day. :D

Cuyval Dar

November 27 is our 1 Year Anniversary! Come join the insanity!

I'll be here.


November 27 is our 1 Year Anniversary! Come join the insanity!

(b) Mod for a day privileges. By this I mean you will have the ability to edit other people's posts, make snarky comments in colors, but NOT read the Mod area or ban people. It's for fun.
Are you sure this is a good idea? All it takes is one alt being regged and used via Tor or another proxy and edit everyone's post to include pics of tubgirl/goatse/etc


November 27 is our 1 Year Anniversary! Come join the insanity!

I'll make an appearance somewhere, at some time, on Friday. Oh, and also win the mini-contest. Lock it up. :D

That whole weekend I'll be in a symposium in Michigan :(
I'll try not to let my rampant right-winged homophobic misogyny seep into the rest of the state, ruining your trip. :p


Staff member
As of right now, I work evenings Fri, Sat and Sun, but I can squeeze in a few hours before work (and after?) on whatever day is chosen.
I am gonna be out of town at friends' houses hanging out, but I will also have my laptop and downtime. I can't really commit to much of the Vent/Skype/podcasting, but I might pop in IRC and try to guess the contest thing with what little time I have.


Oh shit, the entire run of Y the Last Man?! fuck me I want that prize!
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