I'm so fucking sick

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So Sunday I had a major case of the sudden sniffles.. y'know, one moment you're fine, the next your nose is dripping nonstop and you can't stop sneezing. I took a few pills and had a good night's sleep (thank YOU sleeping pills) and woke up feeling much better.

That was Monday, when I took a bus to Mexico City because I needed to do some paperwork for the Spanish passports we're getting (Spanish grandparents + EU residency = WIN) I slept over at a friend's house (this girl is gonna be famous someday, btw) and that night I just could catch a single wink. My head was thudding the whole time, my throat was sore as fuck, as in can't even pass saliva cause it's torture... and woke up feeling like I had been hit by a truck.

I still needed to run around all over the city (thank YOU Google Maps) to get the various red-tapey steps done for the paperwork. I spent the whole day in the crowded subway, running around huge metro stations, running around the city, not having slept a wink and feeling like I should just kill myself.

I took a bus back home that very day cause..fuck. During the trip I went into cold shivers, sweating like a pig, throat exploding. Took a cab home, got inside my house, and collapsed in a fetal position, not even removing my shoes.

10 minutes later my dad found me, touched my forehead, exclaimed something, and came back 30 seconds later to jam a thermometer in my mouth. 40°C (~104° F). Needless to say his paternal instincts kicked into overload and that whole "SWINE FLU" red neon sign flashed before his eyes. He then tortured me by removing my jacket and shirt and putting wet towels on my forehead. Something about "that high a temperature is gonna kill him!" I just wanted to crawl more into a ball.

Calls were made, Doctors woken up, prescriptions given over the phone. Apparently I wasn't fully symptomatic of Influenza, so that wasn't a problem, really. I just wanted to die, that's all.

During the night I went into sweats where I couldn't stand even the sheet cause I was so hot, and then shivers where I couldn't find enough quilts to throw over me, over and over. In my feverish state, the Katy Perry song "Hot N Cold" kept going through my head.

The fever subsided at night, then came back, then left, then came back. Finally when at 10am I was at like 38° (~100.4F) they just shoved me into the car and drove me to the hospital.

Veredict? Tonsillitis. Fucking Tonsillitis. Oh, oh, you have a throat infection that's made your tonsils have pus and swell up, take 3 of these, get these injections and have a nice life.

What the hell? How can tonsillitis make me the sickest I've ever been!? Seriously.

TL;DR: I have extreme tonsillitis and I want to die.


Staff member

Yeah, they don't have to take them out unless it's something that happens a lot.

Get better, buddy!


I have to say... When I first read the title of this thread, I thought you had done something a little... naughty. ;)

Wasabi Poptart

Sorry Calleja. Mine were taken out when I was 6 years old because they were always getting infected. From what I've heard, the condition is worse on teens/adults than it is on kids. Hope you're feeling better soon.


Aw poor guy.

I wanted to die once when I was sick. It was like just let me die please... I cant take it anymore.

Hope you make it through.
1. haha you really missed out on the whole "swine flu" thing. it's like being in a special club.
(actually it sucks)

2. edit: nevermind.

Cuyval Dar

Glad that I'm not the only one coming into this thread expecting another sex story.
Ugh. That sucks. I thought when you got tonsillitis, the general response was getting your tonsils removed?
Cut em out.
I guess that is a good reason to get tonsil remove.
Apparently it's very rare that they have to go to the extreme of removing the tonsils once you're a certain age. More dangerous when you're older or something. Also, they usually only remove them when it's a chronic condition, and thankfully this is the first time I've had such a case.

I'm getting six injections. SIX. Stupid un-evolved immune system we have, seriously, we can't even fight off thousands of microbes and we need the assisted help of antibiotics and shit? Grargh.


Staff member
Awwww, I'm sorry Calleja. And yeah if you don't have to remove them as an adult, it's probably best not to. It's harder when you're older. Hell, I got em out when I was 13, and I was laid up for two and a half weeks.

Anyway, amigo, get lots of rest, and I hope that you feel better really soon! :hug:
I just got the first injection. Get this, the antibiotic comes in a little box with the liquid AND a little vial with a powder-y crystal thingie you have to MIX IN with the liquid!! Thick substances are the most painful to get injected, and this one is a motherfucking liquid/solid solution!

Joe Johnson

Wow, that sucks. I had to have my tonsils out about 5 years ago for similar reasons. It was strep throat. A very bad case (let's just say there was some lancing involved so I could breathe again). The antibiotics got rid of it (though I just had pills). But then it came back. Got rid of it again, then it came back. They took out my tonsils, everything was good after that.

But, yeah, having them taken out when you are older REALLY sucks. I was down for 2 weeks. I DID get lots of good drugs, though.


those with medical know-how, why is it "harder" to take them out when you are an adult vs a kid? is it because we develop something that cover it? integrate it?
I'm getting six injections. SIX. Stupid un-evolved immune system we have, seriously, we can't even fight off thousands of microbes and we need the assisted help of antibiotics and shit? Grargh.
They've been evolving a lot longer than we have, and adapt faster than we do. The best we can hope for is symbiosis or some sort of syntrophism.

Hope you start feeling better.
Hey guys, if you start following Calleja on twitter you get status updates on his balls-ache in spanish for free! Join now!
I still have all my vestigial organs except my gall bladder. Though, I have learned that it's not as vestigial as the doctors make it out to be.

Wasabi Poptart

those with medical know-how, why is it "harder" to take them out when you are an adult vs a kid? is it because we develop something that cover it? integrate it?
From what I understand, the surgery itself is more difficult on an adult because you bleed more after the surgery.


Tonsillitis sucks man... I have what's known as kissing tonsils. I 'grew' into them, but growing up I would get a major case at least 2 - 3 times a year. No doc would cut them out, they'd just give me antibiotics and send me and my parents on our marry way. Now it's not that bad. I'll go a couple years without any major infections outside of your typical cold and such. It usually hit me sometime towards the winter, Nov - Jan, and I'd be down for a week sniveling and crying like a baby. One year it was so bad, I slept and sweated for a full 2 weeks, unable to get any meds because I wasn't insured.

Sometimes hot tea with honey would help, but swallowing is the last thing you want to do with anything. I typically lose about 10 - 20 pounds during this time because I'm simply unable to eat until it passes.

I feel for ya man.. the family is doing the rounds of passing the plague and it seems I'm just now getting it. Sore throat (please don't stay long!), shoulders, neck, back and head aches, eyes burning.. ya know. the fun stuff.


Staff member
those with medical know-how, why is it "harder" to take them out when you are an adult vs a kid? is it because we develop something that cover it? integrate it?
From what I understand, the surgery itself is more difficult on an adult because you bleed more after the surgery.[/QUOTE]

My bio teacher explained it this way... I'll try and remember it like he said it...

He said that, when you're young, the tonsils are not as "embedded" as they are when you're older, because you're still developing. It's like the difference between plucking something out of you and scooping them out along with extra tissue. That's where the extra scarring comes in. You're not only having tonsils removed. Depending on how old you are, they have to dig in there to get all of it, or something like that.


When I worked at the preschool the parents were talking about how the doctors generally won't take them out anymore. I figured that was an all over thing but maybe it was just locally.
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