Best Ski Mask Ever

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Let’s say you’re a Pokémon fanatic who needs a mask, whether it be for skiing, recreating your favorite scene from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, or hiding your face while filming your latest pr0n movie so your spouse doesn’t find out your side hobby. Whatever your motivation, textile extraordinaire Andrea has got you covered. Armed with her own pattern, twelve hours of spare time, and a buttload of yarn, she made this Pikachu ski mask for facial protection during the cold winter months. You know what she could say if she was trying to scare people while wearing it? Pika-BOO! Lawlz. Funniest. Joke. Ever.

Thats just..creepy and lulz at the same time :confused:


Staff member
I would totally get one of those just to get in line at a store. The clerk would talk to me but all I'd say would be, "Pika pika! Pikachu! PIKA!!"

Hilarity would ensue.


Staff member
Yes, Kissinger, but that one you could only really sing the Lumberjack Song and not everyone would know it. But Pikachu! Comedy Gold, man! GOLD!

Steven Soderburgin

I feel the Mustache and Beard Ski Mask has a variety of uses far exceeding that of the Pikachu mask.

The Pumes

Pikachu mask is mild nightmare fuel D:

Moustache mask is hardcore though :3

I would kill for a goatee one however (Would that even work?)


I want the top half of that as a hat so bad! I have no idea why as I would be too ashamed to wear it out in public...

She has it folded into "hat mode" on her DA page and it is just as adorable as I hoped!


Staff member
I would rob a bank wearing that.

Then Fox News would start their War Against Pokey Mans.
Whoa, I didn't realize you'd already said the same thing I did.

You would have to make all your demands using only the word "Pikachu".
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