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Well I myself have stopped having boring tuna and stopped having a boring life. What is up with yourself?


Staff member
We have new people here, we're talkin bout Lady Gaga!

What's up with you???

OH also, I had a dream that you were an evil, red eyed ghost disguised as a human. I'm still a little scared of you.


Staff member
Yeah. In the dream we were hanging out, and you stopped walking and said you were a ghost. Then your skin came off and you were all translucent. You had red eyes and big scary nasty teeth.


Excuse me. I havent been well today. Again, welcome back..:)
You missed the "Post Naked Pictures of Yourself" thread.

It seems to be missing, though. Odd.

Well, we can start a new one and we'll let you go first this time. :D ;)


I work at an ad agency now. I write copy.

Coincidentally, I also hate life a little bit more now.
Because of shift scheduling conflicts and my brief trip to the city yesterday, I haven't seen my girlfriend in a week.

Other than that, fine, yourself?


Hiyas! Just hanging out, got the humidifier cleaned out finally. Still only at the "sternly promising" stage for vacuuming though.


Well, I decided to slow down my HF intake, then every time I clicked the bookmark it said there was no such beast. I stopped clicking after awhile then decided to do a search and...

Here it is.


Staff member
Yup. I was looking at the analytics from the site and there were about 1-3 hits per week. Not enough to keep paying $7 a month in my current financial situation.
Got a girlfriend now, so the amount of manbawww on this forum has dropped by 50%.
Almost finished redecorating my house.
Still got a crappy job.

Not much, really :-P
It's Sera!!! I'd do a happy dance, but I'm currently suffering an injury. Apparently ballroom dancing, dwarf tossing, and Jello wrestling are not things that are meant to be enjoyed at the same time. Live and learn I guess.
Oh, so a guy puts on a nice ball gown and all of the sudden he's gay. Man, you people and your stereotypes. Can't a person just want to feel pretty sometimes?
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