You just lost the game.

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Sorry to point this out so directly, I know you aren't happy about it, but I feel that for your own good you should know that you have lost the game.


Staff member

Worst joke/meme/whatever it is EVER.

It reminds me of having a room at the A-kon... stopping on EVERY floor in the elevator, and the obnoxious girl behind me with ramen breath would yell this to people on each floor. Then she'd chuckle to herself. Then I thought about how it would be less painful to walk up 15 flights of stairs.
Not going to lie, I still find this funny.

I don't stop on every floor to yell it out, mind you, in fact I probably haven't heard this in months.

Touche, stienman. Touche.
Oh boy have we had fun in my dorm with this. Through various hijinks people now identify a variety of mundane things like pooping or room 302 with the happytimes trifecta, the_game-manually_breathing-blinking_awareness. Makes me happy.

Kitty Sinatra

I don't even get this joke/meme/whatever. What's the point of telling me I've lost? I mean, did I have money riding on it? If not, I don't care.


Staff member
I don't get it either. Never did. I mean I get the concept, just not why it's funny.


Staff member
I don't get it either. Never did. I mean I get the concept, just not why it's funny.
Exaaaaaaaaaactly. It's UNfunny. After that convention, it's impossible for me to separate that stupid joke from the only people who make cons annoying for me at times--people who think they're funny when all they do is quote. I'm not saying that about you, Steinman. You're a witty guy. :) This is just a pet peeve.


Staff member
As an anime fan, con-goer, and con-planner/staffer, I hear this on a damn near everyday basis.

I'm not innocent of it either-- making an entire room of congoers lose the game is quite satisfying.

But it can sometimes be ranked up there in annoyance with The Cake is a Lie and the Caramelldansen.
Rule #1 - you are playing the game.

We're not decided about whether we're going to have another kid or not. We'll decide by next summer for sure, though.


I appreciate intelligent, witty attempts to get this point across. Because despite its inherent retardness, someone at least took the time to make it better.

I did not appreciate this.
I wasn't playing the game. You were. ;)

This is/was retarded. Go make more babies Steiny.
How is babby formed?[/quote]

Cuyval, Hold up a second. I'm happy for you and I'ma let you finish, but Kanye had the best tired old meme of all time... of ALL TIME!!!![/QUOTE]

Let me tell you a story about internet memes, sonny:

A truck driver is heading west across the Arizona desert. He has been driving all night, and as the sun starts to rise, he feels the need to stop and commune with nature. He pulls to the side of the road, parks, and walks out into the sagebrush.

As he is standing there, looking around at the beauty of the early morn, he notices a lever sticking out of the ground. After a few moments, he walks over, walks all the way around, and then reaches out to grasp the lever. Just as he does, he hears a voice say, "Don't touch that lever."

The driver jumps about two feet off the ground, and as he comes down, he looks around. No one is to be seen. Thinking it was just his imagination, he again reaches for the lever. Again the voice yells, "I said don't touch that lever!"

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