New Terran Starfighter - The Aries MK II

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From the designs created by the Angels RPG crew....destined to make an appearance in the New Comic.



Staff member
What're her armaments like? I'm guessing by the appearance they went more with a clear-cut anti-fighter plane with light weaponry, ideal for dog-fights but out of her league against more heavily-armoured craft.


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I want to see some fighter besides the Defiant that don't look like an airplane. I mean, it's space.


Speaking of starfighters...kinna reminds me of a GunStar from The Last Starfighter. Just a little. Like...if it were crossed with a Y-wing.


Perhaps the craft have to fight in atmosphere too, that would require a plane or streamlined shape.

Either way, I want one! That things Nifty!


Perhaps the craft have to fight in atmosphere too, that would require a plane or streamlined shape.
That's one of the many considerations that drove the design of the White Knight from my comic...


Actually, the Aries II is a heavy fighter, designed to take on other fighters (including the older Siren class), as well as escort bombers on their attack runs against capital ships. Check out the RPG resources on the Divided Soul website for specs.

Many Terran Navy ships are designed as multi-role craft, and so most fighter designs allow at least limited atmospheric flight (although the Los Angeles Decree of 2176 prevents nuclear-powered ships from entering a planetary atmosphere). If you wanna see ships that look less like airplanes, then you want the Naga-class assault fighter, the Pele-class heavy bomber, or the purely space-bound Charan and Eta Cass craft designs. Confederate fighters look like asymmetric bladed weapons hurtling through space, and you'll be lucky to ever spot the pitch-black hulls of Eta Cass cruisers. :cool:

Doctor Emmit Brown

Shoot what were those mashup jobs in the old X-wing books called again? The ones where they welded TIE fighter solar panels onto an X-Wing or Headhunter body for no aparant reason, cuz that's what this reminds me of, an X-wing body with TIE Interceptor solar panels on it
Shoot what were those mashup jobs in the old X-wing books called again? The ones where they welded TIE fighter solar panels onto an X-Wing or Headhunter body for no aparant reason, cuz that's what this reminds me of, an X-wing body with TIE Interceptor solar panels on it
Thos patchwork fighters were called Uglies
I really liked the starfighters from Colony Wars - those looked like they were designed for Zero-G work. Particularly the Hydra.

This would look right at home in Wing Commander (the good games, not the shitty movie).


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Another physics concept to keep in mind is inertia. We talked about it in another thread. Even in Zero-G, you have inertia, so spindly things and long, weak torque arms (like spindly wings) could still snap right off on a tight roll.
Another physics concept to keep in mind is inertia. We talked about it in another thread. Even in Zero-G, you have inertia, so spindly things and long, weak torque arms (like spindly wings) could still snap right off on a tight roll.
This subject came up long ago in an original Angels thread, where I put this very point, but nobody seemed convinced by it. But Hey, never let facts spoil a good story!

Charon. Probably, and power and steering rockets would be mounted directly onto the hull.


Staff member
I always liked the USS Defiant. It's still low and streamlined, but it was a warship, and a low profile would've been beneficial. A flat box, like a tv dinner might be good. We as people work well in cubic spaces. A saucer might work with some sort of gravity "generator" in the center so that the floors were concentric, with people's heads facing out toward the edge of the saucer.
@ Grytpipe ... when was that posted? Before the forums took their MAJOR dump in 06?
I can't remember just when it was Charon, but it must have been before then. I seem to remember that it started with somebody drawing the usual wingie thing. Personally I cannot see a ship being designed for space and atmosphere. The Shuttle is the only thing that we can use for comparison at present and that is a compact delta, and its atmospheric flight leaves a lot to be desired.
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