New Site

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Staff member
I'm sure by now you have seen the wonderful Notice above the forum that talks about the upgrade of Halforums to vBulletin version 4. We're very excited about the change but there's a few things that need to be discussed before it happens.

First, Artist of the Month. As it stands, Moss is the LAST listed Artist of the month. So if we are to continue this then we'll need to get some names in. As we've brought in some new people and will be starting to feature more stuff on the front page and marketing, if you were an artist in the past we can certainly have you take a turn again. I realize some of you early adopters got little exposure from us. I hope and expect this to change.

Next, the ticket system I wanted to have in place will not be ready in time due to the constant changing of the versions from vBulletin. So until v4 comes out in Gold release I'm not going to worry about it. This means that the Bug Request board will stay for now. PLEASE do not snow us under with requests for stuff yet - only report bugs. We're going to be busy enough as it is.

The front page, style and things like that will probably not look the best when we first open it back up. We're going to make sure the board functions and then turn it back on. We'll THEN start to do things like fixing the front page articles and such. So when you log in and see lots of "Lorem ipsum" things you'll know why. Getting the board back up is our #1 priority.

Once this is up and running the Dev and Test sites will be backed up to be perfect mirrors of the live board. When addons are put in they will be done one at a time and tested before installing them on Live. This is to prevent Dave from bringing everything down. Again.

For now I think that's it. I know we'll lose some stuff for a time and I'm sorry. We'll get things back as they come available.
I'd like to go on record as the first to say the new site sucks donkey balls.

<--- Specifically, his.


Staff member
The Panic Button DOES work!

Go to your UserCP -> Forum Settings -> Panic Button ON/OFF.

Make sure you put in a full url for the panic button to redirect you. I just tested and it worked fine.

---------- Post added at 04:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:32 PM ----------

On the test site or new site, of course.

Kitty Sinatra

By default, it should direct you to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Or NASA, for a much more subtle reference.
I didn't see the site go down any yesterday and the version still shows 3.8.4. Was it loaded, crashed and burned and a rollback occurred or were there too many problems to even try the upgrade?
Missed that it was the 27th and closed it out soon after reading. Guess I just assumed since things were going well on the test server it was supposed to be yesterday.


Staff member
I'm waiting for gold to be released at any moment. Then I'm going to test the shit out of our test site and either whoop & holler or gnash my teeth.
I need my UserCP back please! How else can I know when my subscribed threads have new posts?

Also, some dark theme please? All this white makes me hiss as if exposed to sunlight.
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