Nasty local Christmas, worse.

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Yeesh, it's been bad around here. I hardly slept last night watching the weather. It's been really, really windy, with gusts probably in near the hurricane range. Which concerns me greatly because I have a lot of old trees over my house. I did hear a loud crash around 2:00AM, but I couldn't find the limb. Might be sitting on my roof. There were some tornadoes reported, and one fatality, apparently due to a tree fall! More injuries and lots of damage. That's terrible Christmas news. We didn't have anything major here (of course I still haven't been out to see), other than some flooding (which I always get), though the radio did break for an EBS announcement that more tornadoes were spotted, and heading this way. Yeesh.
Nasty local Christmas weather

and me here thinking the snow melting the day before Christmas was crappy.
Nasty local Christmas weather

Right now it's 27 degrees and foggy but it is supposed to burn off into most sunny with a high of 46 degrees for tomorrow.


Nasty local Christmas weather

Here its 75 degrees and I am sitting at work with my feet kicked up on the (open) window sill and in my short sleeved golf uniform shirt (and pants- wouldn't think I'd need tomention that- but around here......)
Nasty local Christmas weather

Unseasonably 60 here today. Walked the kids up to the park in my jammies with a thermos of coffee and irish cream.


Nasty local Christmas weather

5 degrees according to the weather channel it FEELS like -15. I say it feels like it is colder than a witch's tit in a brass bra! And so much snow..... grrrr.

That is all.
Nasty local Christmas weather

It started raining around 4:00 p.m. and now, 4 hours later, it's 33 degrees. The sloshing rain is becoming freezing, which is supposed to become snrain (yes, snow rain) through the night.

This is a cold, wet, and slippery Christmas Eve.


Nasty local Christmas weather

54, raining, and windy as all hell. Santa is going to have trouble landing anywhere around here tonight.


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Nasty local Christmas weather

Wow, one of my wife's friends lost everything on Christmas night. Her house burned down. Apparently there was a leaky gas valve. That's another terrible gift to get. We're going to see what we have to give them. We have a 2 year old, and she just had twins, so I think we're going to box up all the toys my 2 year old doesn't play with anymore.


Staff member
Nasty local Christmas weather

Wow, one of my wife's friends lost everything on Christmas night. Her house burned down. Apparently there was a leaky gas valve. That's another terrible gift to get. We're going to see what we have to give them. We have a 2 year old, and she just had twins, so I think we're going to box up all the toys my 2 year old doesn't play with anymore.
Dude that sucks. I assume the Red Cross is there?
Well, nothing as bad as that, but we had the whole storm system move through South Carolina here. Heavy, heavy rain and high winds. Made driving quite rough, but wasn't terribly bad.

Philosopher B.

Rain washed away most of the snow today. We still had it on Christmas day, though.


Staff member
Drat. Rain, not snow. The roads are murderous, and no matter what happens, we're screwed. If this unseasonable warmth (just above 0 C) continues, we'll have no snow in a matter of days. If it gets cold again, all the sleet and puddles will freeze up, creating iron-hard ridges and back-breaking mirrors of clear ice. Luckily they've promised snow for tomorrow, so that helps a bit. Snow is nowhere near as slippery...


Staff member
Nasty local Christmas weather

Have you ever tried to take care of a kid with no toys and get things done at the same time? They've got the basics covered already. I mean, I'm not an idiot. We made sure they had the real stuff first.


Staff member
That came across as kind of harsh, sorry. I should clarify that she's cajun, and therefore part of a huge support network, which had practically rebuilt her house an hour after it happened. In contrast, we're like 2nd or 3rd tier friends. She has food, money, and a place to stay. Having two kids myself, and knowing what a lifesaver toys are, this was a logical donation.
That came across as kind of harsh, sorry. I should clarify that she's cajun, and therefore part of a huge support network, which had practically rebuilt her house an hour after it happened. In contrast, we're like 2nd or 3rd tier friends. She has food, money, and a place to stay. Having two kids myself, and knowing what a lifesaver toys are, this was a logical donation.

if you look at the quote, it looks like Jake is making a joke that they don't need another 2 year old...

We're going to see what we have to give them. We have a 2 year old...
Your heart's in the right place, but I don't think that's what they need right now.[/QUOTE]
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