Quick question for Dubyamn

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Where you having fun? Coz i sure was. Thanks for the laughs man. Too bad people got all serious and shit.


Staff member
'It's just an act, the banter. A cover, you know,' he said, slowly. 'Okay, you'll come and see this Tempest first. Then we'll go on down there - a little music, a little rum, a little food in your belly, make you feel good? You finished with the pictures, now?' He put his glasses back on. 'Bring a friend, have some good crack - no, not the white powder, I see your eyes widen, the streets are full of dope dealers, drug fiends, wild black boys, but no it's not like that. Your eyes I have not forgotten, Miranda. What a beautiful name, and it suits you. I changed mine in the high times, when Africa and roots were the answer - finding the lost fatherland - and George was Whitey's name for us - "Happy George", always a-laughin' and a-smilin', God's li'l chillun. So now... I've ended up with no name. I am the Unnameable, ha, which is why I know how to play Caliban, of course. You can feel you're marooned - have you felt that? We're maroons together now, we know we can run away with' - he tapped his temples - 'mentally that is. Oh, don't get embarrassed again - I'm not going to get heavy with you, I promise. I know better than that, now.'
She looked at him; all of a sudden, she saw in her mind's eye the set of nine horses she'd love as a a child; he was going on, 'No, not evil crack, but wise crack, the Oirish kind, our kind, crik-crak. I mean, a good time, talk, fellowship. Forget ACTion.' He plunged again at the T-shirt. 'We'll forget the Middle East, forget Aids, forget famine, the war, the hole in the ozone, torture death rape and murder, forget Save the Children and the disappeared, forget forget, forget South Africa even, forget the mean-spirited Eighties - I'm starting to forget right now from this minute even as I wear this. Because I'm so tired, as the poet said, of our fucking envy and your fucking guilt.
'Miranda! I'm forgetting as hard as I can. And are you? How about you? You getting the drift now, you learning to forget?'
'No,' she said, the beat inside her getting louder, so she wondered would he hear it. 'And I don't think that's what you'd like either.'
They had begun play. Their openings were well-tried, unadventurous. But these same familiar moves would take them in deep: face to face and piece to piece they would engage with each other so raptly that for a time they would never even notice anyone else outside looking at the work they were absorbed in, crossing the lines, crossing the squares, far out on the board in the other's sea.
- Warner, Marina: Indigo. Or mapping the waters, pp.394-395.

Kitty Sinatra

dammit. now what did i miss
Oh, just some Eurotrash picking on white trash Americans in a flurry of Quran quotes. Or something like. Or maybe nothing like that. It was hard to keep track. Oh, and Chakz was banned again.


dammit. now what did i miss
Oh, just some Eurotrash picking on white trash Americans in a flurry of Quran quotes. Or something like. Or maybe nothing like that. It was hard to keep track. Oh, and Chakz was banned again.[/QUOTE]

gawldangit. Work gets in the way of my tro..er. surfing

Philosopher B.

Okay, just read the thread ... I gotta say, stupid as that thread was, I cannot believe Chaz getting banned started with the French comment. Seemed pretty silly/tongue in cheek to me, almost a mood-lightener. But whatevs.
Where you having fun? Coz i sure was. Thanks for the laughs man. Too bad people got all serious and shit.
First quote was me being a jackass.

Responding to Tegid was in all seriousness unfairly of course. Responding to you was me funning.

And thanks for the Greece and Rome line. Had me dieing trying not to burst out laughing at work.
Okay, just read the thread ... I gotta say, stupid as that thread was, I cannot believe Chaz getting banned started with the French comment. Seemed pretty silly/tongue in cheek to me, almost a mood-lightener. But whatevs.
He got an infraction for the France comment, and a ban when he came back and bitched about the infraction.

Philosopher B.

Okay, just read the thread ... I gotta say, stupid as that thread was, I cannot believe Chaz getting banned started with the French comment. Seemed pretty silly/tongue in cheek to me, almost a mood-lightener. But whatevs.
He got an infraction for the France comment, and a ban when he came back and bitched about the infraction.[/QUOTE]

I get why he got banned afterwards. I just don't agree with the infraction, I guess. Saying 'The French suck' seemed like a light-hearted joke meant to contrast with the seriousness of the previous post. I might have posted the same thing if I thought about it. But I guess maybe people reacted a little strongly on account of it was Chaz who made the comment as opposed to someone else ...
Okay, just read the thread ... I gotta say, stupid as that thread was, I cannot believe Chaz getting banned started with the French comment. Seemed pretty silly/tongue in cheek to me, almost a mood-lightener. But whatevs.
He got an infraction for the France comment, and a ban when he came back and bitched about the infraction.[/QUOTE]

I get why he got banned afterwards. I just don't agree with the infraction, I guess. Saying 'The French suck' seemed like a light-hearted joke meant to contrast with the seriousness of the previous post. I might have posted the same thing if I thought about it. But I guess maybe people reacted a little strongly on account of it was Chaz who made the comment as opposed to someone else ...[/QUOTE]
Nah. When a mod comes in and says "Ok, lets take it down a notch and not be dick heads" and the first thing someone does is intentionally undermine that moderator, I tend to agree with the moderator.

The one infraction point could have been ignored by him or he could have made a reasoned argument in pm. That's what it is for. Instead, he took the low road and aired it on the board. Then circumvented the ban by logging an alt and posted again.

I guess I just don't have sympathy for the situation.

Philosopher B.

He used an alt? I didn't realize that.

Edit: Should probably note that I don't feel over-strongly about this, normally I wouldn't even defend Chaz.

I love threads made about threads. That is always a level of quality missing from the boards.
Missing quality!?

Did you even SEE yesterday's thread where we counted!?[/QUOTE]

And we never even got pictures! :(


dammit. now what did i miss
Oh, just some Eurotrash picking on white trash Americans in a flurry of Quran quotes. Or something like. Or maybe nothing like that. It was hard to keep track. Oh, and Chakz was banned again.[/QUOTE]

gawldangit. Work gets in the way of my tro..er. surfing[/QUOTE]

I was? What'd I do? I was framed! I blame society! YOU PEOPLE MADE ME! YOU MAAAADE ME! *is hauled off to the dungeon*
And thanks for the Greece and Rome line. Had me dieing trying not to burst out laughing at work.
It's funny coz it's true...

dammit. now what did i miss
Oh, just some Eurotrash picking on white trash Americans in a flurry of Quran quotes. Or something like. Or maybe nothing like that. It was hard to keep track. Oh, and Chakz was banned again.[/QUOTE]

The Quran quotes where in a whole other thread... that's still ongoing as i recall.

And Chaz was also pissing the mods off in other places...

Kitty Sinatra

I was going for a subtle joke with that: By intentionally messing up the information, I was mimicking the unreliability of gossip. There's at least 3 errors in that post of mine. Including crossing threads and naming the wrong person banned.

And in that spirit I'm gonna fill Philosopher B in on some gossip: Chaz's alt is Sauron.
You mean to tell me there's a poster called Chakz on the forum?! I always thought that was just someone misspelling Chaz...

(yeah, i got it it was tongue-in-cheek i was just clearing up stuff for other people)

Also, explaning the joke = the lameness.


Staff member
Before this gets out of hand, here's what I posted in the mod forum.

Dave said:
You guys are all going to hate me and here's why. I'm making a decision and it's not going to be popular. But we have to have some sort of process in place to appeal. I spoke at length with Chaz and he has some very good points.

Here's what we agreed on.

1) He contacted me by email and apologized. He stated that he were joking - not trolling - and feels like he was being singled out, especially because Deschain didn't get anything and he was the one who started it all. I think this is a valid point. After Chaz got banned Deschain came in with some of the same stuff and didn't even get an infraction. I think Chaz is correct to say this is unfair.
2) He logged on as Morgoth simply because as a banned user he were unable to read posts. He admits that this was a mistake and realized afterward that he could simply have logged out. Is this a cop out? Maybe.
3) He promises to back off a little and be good. I'll be in meetings all day probably. I told him flat out that if I do this and he gets banned or an infraction I'm not going to say word one. I'm already not sure this is a good idea and I'm wondering what kind of hit this will give my credibility. But even murderers get an appeal process so I can't in good conscience just hang him out to dry.

I don't want you guys to think I'm not backing you. Please notice that I took a bunch of time to think this through and am trying to wrap my mind around all the implications. I hope you don't think I'm doing this because I am taking sides in a situation. I'm doing it because I have probably too much faith in people and hope that Chaz can keep it together.

As always, let me know what you think - good or bad. I know I'm going to take a lot of shit for this and I can't say it's all undeserving.
If you are going to hate, hate me.


Before this gets out of hand, here's what I posted in the mod forum.

Dave said:
You guys are all going to hate me and here's why. I'm making a decision and it's not going to be popular. But we have to have some sort of process in place to appeal. I spoke at length with Chaz and he has some very good points.

Here's what we agreed on.

1) He contacted me by email and apologized. He stated that he were joking - not trolling - and feels like he was being singled out, especially because Deschain didn't get anything and he was the one who started it all. I think this is a valid point. After Chaz got banned Deschain came in with some of the same stuff and didn't even get an infraction. I think Chaz is correct to say this is unfair.
2) He logged on as Morgoth simply because as a banned user he were unable to read posts. He admits that this was a mistake and realized afterward that he could simply have logged out. Is this a cop out? Maybe.
3) He promises to back off a little and be good. I'll be in meetings all day probably. I told him flat out that if I do this and he gets banned or an infraction I'm not going to say word one. I'm already not sure this is a good idea and I'm wondering what kind of hit this will give my credibility. But even murderers get an appeal process so I can't in good conscience just hang him out to dry.

I don't want you guys to think I'm not backing you. Please notice that I took a bunch of time to think this through and am trying to wrap my mind around all the implications. I hope you don't think I'm doing this because I am taking sides in a situation. I'm doing it because I have probably too much faith in people and hope that Chaz can keep it together.

As always, let me know what you think - good or bad. I know I'm going to take a lot of shit for this and I can't say it's all undeserving.
If you are going to hate, hate me.
Hate is such a strong word. I prefer 'loathe'. But I do want to publicly thank you for being a voice of reason.
dammit. now what did i miss
Oh, just some Eurotrash picking on white trash Americans in a flurry of Quran quotes. Or something like. Or maybe nothing like that. It was hard to keep track. Oh, and Chakz was banned again.[/QUOTE]

gawldangit. Work gets in the way of my tro..er. surfing[/QUOTE]

I was? What'd I do? I was framed! I blame society! YOU PEOPLE MADE ME! YOU MAAAADE ME! *is hauled off to the dungeon*[/QUOTE]

Chaz is to you as Icarus is to Iaculus (or the other way around).
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