Bear in mind, there's nothing intrinsic to the actual N-word that makes it inherently racist. It's just a tweaked version of what was, at the time, a legitimate term for people of African descent. What makes it racist is entirely how it is used and the cultural baggage that goes along with it. It doesn't matter what prawn actually means and whether it'd be an okay term for the aliens. It matters that for (20?) years the term was used offensively to describe a race that everyone saw as dirty and creepy.
Put me in the camp of people who were GLAD to see a movie that didn't sugarcoat anything and give us a sympathetic white guy to help us pretend that if we (I am referring to other white people like myself, and perhaps by extension people integrated into European culture) would have acted like good, tolerant people that, in all honestly, we probably would not have.
*Cough* Avatar *Cough*.
Put me in the camp of people who were GLAD to see a movie that didn't sugarcoat anything and give us a sympathetic white guy to help us pretend that if we (I am referring to other white people like myself, and perhaps by extension people integrated into European culture) would have acted like good, tolerant people that, in all honestly, we probably would not have.
*Cough* Avatar *Cough*.