This happened to my nintendo wii and I called them and they said they wanted 75 bucks for repairs so I literally went mental on them and they gave me a brand new one for free. Call them 100 times and complain at how ridiculous it is to pay for it when u could get a new for a lil more .......Tell them lots of people complain about this issue it's what I did with a WII I then thru out there that i had been a big buyer of nintendo thru my life and that I would let everyone i know how shitty they make their new systems when I have their old systems and they work just fine. I mean I went completly psychotic and in the end I have a free brand new wii. Who knows maybe that could work !Okay here is a rather minor rant but I felt the need to rant anyways.
As I mentioned earlier my 40GB PS3 just died a few days ago. Now Sony wanted a $150 to repair it I said no thanks. I figured that I could get the new 120GB PS3 Slim for only $150 more and it would come with a year warranty. Of course that meant I would be a few months without a PS3 while I saved up. Well my brother being the nice guy he is said I could use his Best Buy credit card to buy the system and just pay it off. Since it would be a purchase of over $300 there would be no interest for 6 months. I figured okay I can pay it off in no trouble over 6 months in fact I will probably pay it off in less. So I went to Best Buy and every BB near us is completely sold out of PS3's at the moment. One store said they were expecting a few to come in sometime in the next couple of days. So I called them up a few days later and they had 2 left in stock. But by the time I got off from work and got to the store they were sold out. And they told me they had no idea when the next shipment would even arrive. So I am a bit disappointed but not to upset. I figure well they will get one in shortly enough. So I have been just going about my day when I saw on Joystiq that Capcom is offering 50% off on several PSN games. This week was Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (a game I have been wanting to get for awhile but haven't wanted to drop $15 on) So at first I got excited than it hit me 2 seconds later that my PS3 is still broken and I won;t be able to get one before the sale ends. So that was like a cold slap across the face.