Help Darkangel get a new name!

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Dark@ng3l of course...

Or Darkbloodgorekill....

Also, Troll, you're spreading the disease... you need to come over here, this machete will cure you, i swear...


And this, Madame, is why you never ask us for advice on trivial matters.
Faeshadow..... just came to me, but of course google says the internet is full of it.

Silver Banshee always struck me as a good one too.

Steven Soderburgin

The Lovely Boner is really good at coming up with forum names but here let me throw a few your way

These are all movie references btw

From In The Loop
Alphabetti Spaghetti
Nazi Julie Andrews
Mountain of Conflict
Lemon Difficult
Lubricated Horse Cock
Future Planning Committee
Smells Like Bisque
Fake Hawk
Oxbridge Pleasantries
Gore Vidal of the Pentagon

From Glengarry Glen Ross
Mitch & Murray
A-Always B-Be C-Closing
Coffee is for Closers
Set of Steak Knives
Such a Bunch of Bums
Wet Out There Tonight

Steven Soderburgin

also, while we're on the subject, I would legitimately like to get my forum name changed to Steven Soderburgin


I love you.

---------- Post added at 08:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 PM ----------

also, while we're on the subject, I would legitimately like to get my forum name changed to Steven Soderburgin
I grant you permission to use the handle: Violent Drunk Ray Romano. You can even use my TF2 spray.

Nickname for Darkangel: Sprat. Cause she's a sporadically posting, army brat! AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!


I love you.

Hope ur loving Snookie first of all and not I ......

secondly sprat won't work ......I dont like the army and certainly am not a brat ! lol

---------- Post added at 08:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 PM ----------

also, while we're on the subject, I would legitimately like to get my forum name changed to Steven Soderburgin
I grant you permission to use the handle: Violent Drunk Ray Romano. You can even use my TF2 spray.

Nickname for Darkangel: Sprat. Cause she's a sporadically posting, army brat! AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA![/QUOTE]

FIrst of all I hope you mean I love you to Snookie............Secondly i cannot be called sprat because first of all i dont like the army much and secondly I'm not a brat.........Nice effort though I suppose.....

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