Gods Never Gonna Give You Up, even if you are from WBC

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Staff member
Best answer to these morons I've ever seen. I know we've talked about them before but the absolute hatred espoused in the name of God means that they hated by Christians, Muslims, Jews, Atheists, agnostics and even Wiccans equally.

They are not dividers. They bring people together by giving them a common enemy. It's genius!


Staff member
Best answer to these morons I've ever seen. I know we've talked about them before but the absolute hatred espoused in the name of God means that they hated by Christians, Muslims, Jews, Atheists, agnostics and even Wiccans equally.

They are not dividers. They bring people together by giving them a common enemy. It's genius!
Well, God does work in misterious ways.

Would be harrasment if you write a sign about them? I noticed that no sign actually mention the WBC.

How about this one: "Free Hatred just add signs" :3


Staff member
"My sign hates your sign."

"My other sign is gayer than your message."

"Why does 2 men kissing make your God so uncomfortable?"

"God masturbates to lipstick lesbians."

"I'll bet you don't even creme in your coffee."

"Your breath smells of penis."

"Was His middle name really Tapdancing?"

"You people make radical Muslims looks sane."

"If God loved you so much why did he put you in Kansas?"

Should I go on?


I think those are more insulting than the ones they actually used. I like how frivolous their signs are because they don't lend any weight to the others' message.


If I win a few million dollars, I am going to hire a troupe of protestprotestors just like this and air lift them anywhere in the country these folks go.
Or heck go out and protest "In their Name" making sure the anti heterosexuality they surely have are well shown.
I don't want to look it up from work. but there is a website, godhatesshrimp.com

It takes the same passage from the bible that they use to hate gays, also shows that god hates shrimp. Delicious, evil, banned shrimp.


Staff member
I want to remake the electric plug sign so that one of the cords is presenting the backside of the other end to the other plug.


Staff member

Yes, this is a parody song. The problem is at some point it's nearly impossible to distinguish between parody of radical religious beliefs and true radical religious beliefs. Note that I say radical, not all religious beliefs. every time I see people from teh WBC I think of this song and how close it is to THEIR reality.


Staff member
"Dog hates dyslexia"

---------- Post added at 12:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:44 PM ----------

"On Opposite Day Satan Loves Straight People"

---------- Post added at 12:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 PM ----------

"Anyone remember where we parked?"
I think those are more insulting than the ones they actually used. I like how frivolous their signs are because they don't lend any weight to the others' message.
Exactly! They weren't there to debate an issue - just to show how absurd the WBC is.
Nicely done, folks!


Staff member
"If you lived here, you'd be home now"

---------- Post added at 08:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:26 PM ----------

"This space for rent
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