How would you like to die?

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Staff member
A friend of mine was making a statement about Dale Ernhardt. (Timely, I know!) And his comment was, "He died doing what he loved!"

Of course, I responded, "Screaming and hitting a wall at 200 MPH? Seems like a strange thing to love doing."

But besides that smart-assed response it got me to thinking: If I could choose my own way of dying, what would it be?

Mine is right from the Meaning of Life. What's yours?

Warning: NSFW VIDEO!!!

while having sex (if at all possible with a girl i don't like that much since i don't expect it'll be as fun for her as it's for me)
During a threesome with 2 women dressed up in sexy outfits. As long as I'm already done.

Consumed by the heat death of the universe... only to come out the other side as Galactus... :biggrin:


Snu Snu. Unless someone already put that in one of the NSFW tags. In which case replace what I said with something equally 'witty.'
The same way I like to kill the last mooks in Red Alert 2 skirmishes - a nuclear ICBM landing directly to my left in the middle of an open & empty field, atomized before I know what the hell just happened.


I have a fascination with tornadoe's ........I'd like to be swept up in one if it were my time to go .....I wonder if you have a chance to see anything before you land somewhere. Or helping someone else as someone else said it above.

Philosopher B.

Saving the universe while having sex with twin Angelina Jolie lookalikes on the back of a robotic shark flying through space. I'd be wearing a 50s-style space helmet, a top hat on top of that, and a giant mustache.


I'm gonna outlive all you mutherfuckers. mua ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
80 years old and ludicrously wealthy, I'll become bored with life and die by diving into an actively erupting volcano while in free-fall aerial combat with velociraptor, as several helicopters televise the event and a live orchestra scores the whole thing.

Then I will be buried in a tomb built on a manufactured island, guarded by a dragon and booby trapped. Naturally various treasures and the majority of my wealth will be concealed within the tomb, awaiting daring archeologists named after dogs.
I have a fascination with tornadoe's ........I'd like to be swept up in one if it were my time to go .....I wonder if you have a chance to see anything before you land somewhere. Or helping someone else as someone else said it above.
You're more likely to be bludgeoned to death or skewered by all the debris in the 250 mph wind.


I have a fascination with tornadoe's ........I'd like to be swept up in one if it were my time to go .....I wonder if you have a chance to see anything before you land somewhere. Or helping someone else as someone else said it above.
You're more likely to be bludgeoned to death or skewered by all the debris in the 250 mph wind.[/QUOTE]

Yeah maybe but that's how i wanna go :)


I already told my wife that, when I'm an old geezer, if I get Alzheimers, or end up so incapacitated, physically, that all I do is watch TV and shit my pants all day then to fucking bury a gun into my mouth and pull the trigger.


Staff member
I can't find a video clip, surprisingly, but The Man Show had a fake commercial for a service that let you die like a man, including the whorehouse heart attack, chute failing to open, etc.
I can't find a video clip, surprisingly, but The Man Show had a fake commercial for a service that let you die like a man, including the whorehouse heart attack, chute failing to open, etc.
I liked their sketch about how you sign up for this service that monitors you and if you die in some accident they come in and clean out your apartment of all the gross and embarrassing stuff you had.
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