Goblins March 2, 2010

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This update took me by surprise. First we find out yet another fucked up thing about Goblinslayer, and right after it seemed like maybe he was going to tone things down a bit.

But Minmax's reaction probably surprised me the most this update. I mean, at first I thought he was just going to just call the deal off and tell GS to go fuck himself, but holy crap it's nice to see him do what really should be done. I wonder if this will mark a turning point for the two in questioning the rights of monsters and how if killing them for XP is right.

edit for link adding



Staff member
Not necessarily, Math. Remember that Thaco managed to take the Goblinslayer down. It was a matter of a lucky critical, but still... Plus, the GS doesn't look like he's wearing any armor, whatever he pops out of his arm is prone to fracturing, and more than likely he doesn't have many magic items on him. Unless that butt-and-crotch flap is a Genital-Cradle of Awesome Might +4 or something.

Otherwise... yikes. I mean seriously, yikes. Not only does this come right out of the blue, seeing how the GS has been kicked down several notches (a couple of strips earlier you could see people dismantling the huge statue of him) and he was taking his first steps on the road of being semi-quasi-half-perhaps-sympathisable, but this... Just the way his face contorts into that mask of sadist pleasure gave me the shivers, and not the good kind.


Staff member
thaco should have offed him. bigget mistake ever.
I wouldn't say that... If Thaco had killed the Goblinslayer, the ranger would have been a martyr, mutilated and killed by savage goblins. But he survived the fight, and probably got a helluva amount of flak for letting the monsters in his dungeon run amok, not to mention the whole chaos that Complains's shield caused. And then he gets his guard taken away from him, his reputation is shot to hell, the people lose trust in him and start dismantling the statue... leaving him a sour drunk stewing in his own muck until Forgrath and Minmax come along.
GS might not have the authority to just kill people anymore, so I could see him just walking away from this to come back later as an enemy of everyone.

That or maybe between Minmax's well...being minmaxed and GS taking more penalties from being mostly drunk at this point.... AND if Forgarth and kin both jump in they just might be able to take him down. That would be a pretty weird way for him to die though, as opposed to just bleeding out in the sewer. Unless this whole thing is just to serve a purpose of allowing MM and F to get a lesson in equality and Thunt's just using GS as an example of how the two don't want to end up.
he should have offed him. For the sake of Kin was a good enough reason for me.

But Dellyn is a lvl 14 ranger. He will cause problems in the future. Thaco destroyed his legacy and therefore the monster is even more dangerous


I came to town to do two things, buy pants and kick your ass! And these pants chafe!
I suspected Kin was being used in a sexual capacity, though I never imagined Thunt would have Goblinslayer say so out loud, so openly. I gotta give him kudos for that, he doesn't pull punches in this webcomic.

This comic just keeps getting better and better.


It is at this moment when I start actually having respect for Minimax.

Well done, Thunt.


I suspected Kin was being used in a sexual capacity, though I never imagined Thunt would have Goblinslayer say so out loud, so openly. I gotta give him kudos for that, he doesn't pull punches in this webcomic.

This comic just keeps getting better and better.
Well he is on at least his second bottle of that northern wine. In Vino Veritas and all. Besides he's showing out for the new guy.
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