Okay! I'll put the toilet seat down next time. Shee-EEESH!

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Yeah, a few of my girl friends scolded me last night because I left the toilet seat up. We were at a friend's place (he was a guy) and I went to the bathroom. About fifteen minutes later one of the girls had to use it as well. When she came out she gave me an earful about leaving the seat up. Apparently it was rude and inconsiderate, and I lost points by doing that.

But what's the big deal? I don't care if a girl leaves the seat down when I need to take a leak. I just take the half-second or so required to put the seat up. Why do girls get so bent out of shape if they have to put it back down? I can understand them getting annoyed if I leave some drips behind (which I always wipe up, btw) but it seems a tad dramatic.

And just so you know a little historical context, I didn't grow up with sisters. My Mom always used the master bathroom so I only had to share a toilet with my brother. Leaving the seat up is just a reflex that was ingrained into me while growing up.


Hmm I dont know. I think toilets just look gross with the seat up I dont know why. But really women use the toilet seat down and men use the toilet seat down at least some of the time so just by percentage it should be down. That's my argument and im sticking with it.
Leaving the lid up period is pretty gross imo. What if something fell in because you didn't put the lid down?!

Also, sometimes girls sit down without looking. :p
Living in a house with two women (mother and sister), along with my dad, I learned pretty damned quick to leave the toilet seat down. Now, it's just second nature. Honestly, it's just a small, but common courtesy that a most, if not all, women appreciate.


Staff member
Well fuck that shit! They don't leave it up for us.

My policy is to always leave the lid (and seat) down, so that both guys and girls have to use the same amount of effort to do their business.

I don't see why women think they're so fucking entitled to shit like that. Men (or at least I) do so damn much for women already than a little bit of lee-way would be appreciated here.
Me and the wife leave the seat and lid down, but we have cats that drink out of the toilet instead of the water dish, so there's that.
Was the toilet seat up or down? If it was already up when you used it, then I don't think it's really your fault. If it was already down, I do think courtesy dictates you leave things the way you find them.

But yeah, girls (in my experience) hate that shit. If you've ever sat your bare ass on cold porcelain on accident, you'd understand why. Although, getting in your face about it seems a bit over the top. Mentioning it as an FYI is one thing, but yelling at someone about it?
I have always taken shit for it and have always been incredibly annoyed by that. I agree Doom, I check it when I piss or when I shit. Women sure as shit can take the second to do the same. Heh, luckily my home is just me and the rookie. It's man style pigsty central. Our girlfriends bitch about the mess more often than the constantly raised toilet seats.
Personally, I've never understood the "girls sit down without looking" argument. I wouldn't expect a guy to just unzip and cut loose without looking, so I don't get why the failure of common perception on the girl's part is the guy's fault.

Oh well. Complain as much as you want, guys need the seat up, girls need it down. It takes less than a second, and I've never understood why this is such a big deal.
She's just doing her civic duty and preparing you for marriage...

You should just piss with the seat down, give them something to really complain about if your aim is off....
I am definitely a leave it as you found it person although no one seems to have the same courtesy when they come over to my place except for a few guys. Those women folk always leaving the lid up. :p

Im with Enresshou on why does it matter since just walking up to the toilet you can tell if the seat is up or down and take the one second adjustment if needed.


On our toilet we have a wooden seat so the lid is wood and the seat is wood. The design idea is that the base will be white with the wooden top and then the lid is back against the white back of the toilet. That's the reason we bought it. So yeah it looks not just better but the way it is supposed to.
I have a weird phobia or what where I cannot flush the toilet with it open at all. I consider it the same thing as someone throwing a bucket of piss on me. Or worse. In public I pretty much reach and hit the handle and run out of the stall as fast as possible. So I have never left the seat up.
One of my girl friends told me "It just LOOKS BETTER when the seat's down." I don't get it.
Ah, the aesthetics of the porcelain throne; truly an overlooked area in home decor.

Seriously though, if that's the rationale she provided, I think it simply boils down to "Because I said so"
I just pee in the slightly smaller hole and wipe any drops off if I leave 'em. Or I put the cover down.

What I don't get is why isn't the cover down also a cliche problem? I mean it's because chicks don't look down first so they fall in, right? Wouldn't it also be a problem that they sit down on the cover and I guess not realize it because we can't give them any credit to notice things in this scenario and basically pee themselves?

It don't add up, boss. It just don't add up.


Tell your girlfriend you'll do better next time, and give her a white cane and sunglasses since she can't see something more than a foot across.

Ask her how she feels about dogs.


Fuck that noise. It takes her as much effort to put it back down as it did you to put it up. Leaving the toilet seat up is what separates us from the animals.


What surprises me is you took her opinion as a woman seriously. What the fuck man.
In the navy, we were TRAINED...TRAINED to leave the seat up.

The rationale? If someone had crabs, and one happened to be on the seat, by dropping the seat, hopefully you'd knock the critters off into the toilet.
WTF? Anyway, I just blame it on military training.

Besides, won't someone think of the children?
Leave the toilet seat up, some British doctors now say. The reason: a rising trend for heavy wooden and ornamental toilet seats to fall down onto the penises of unsuspecting (and just potty-trained) toddlers.
Living with 2 guys, our toilet seat is pretty much always up.

I just go by the rule: leave it the way it was when you came in. I've never heard any complaints and to be fair, it's a pretty odd thing to be chewed out for.


Staff member
Everyone in our house just leaves it totally closed. Seat, lid, everything. When you leave you flip it all down. The cover we have on the seat matches the decor, everyone has to exert the same amount of effort and nobody gets the shaft.

But you have to ask yourself if this is a fight you want to be in. If it's important to her and not you then let her have it.

But the girl who is not your girlfriend deriding you should STFU. You don't owe her anything and it was rude of her to berate you in front of everyone.
I have a weird phobia or what where I cannot flush the toilet with it open at all. I consider it the same thing as someone throwing a bucket of piss on me. Or worse. In public I pretty much reach and hit the handle and run out of the stall as fast as possible. So I have never left the seat up.

If that ever happens to you again, roll your eyes, and say, "Yes it is far more rude for me to leave a lid up on a toilet than it is to make a scene about the lid being up."


I have a weird phobia or what where I cannot flush the toilet with it open at all. I consider it the same thing as someone throwing a bucket of piss on me. Or worse. In public I pretty much reach and hit the handle and run out of the stall as fast as possible. So I have never left the seat up.



Your not really smelling huge particulate poop matter (I guess you could if it was all vaporized) but volatile compounds in the poop reacting with the air and light. [SIZE=-1]In poop, it's usually sulfur-rich organic compounds and hydrogen sulfide. They're no different than say other compounds like esters from fruit an flowers making their way to your schnozola. What you smell is often just a small part of the actual thing you're smelling.

As for being grossed out about toilet water and piss. In a regularly cleaned bowl, toilet water is probably more sanitary than your countertop. The more you know about piss the less gross it is. It's really just water, urea, uric acid, and creatine. Until it hits the air, urine is actually sterile and not overly smelly. Once those airborne bacteria have at it though... I'm not saying piss is drinkable or should be used to wash, but it's really not all that bad.


Staff member
I don't really understand the fear of 'falling in,' because I always look at the toilet before I sit on it.

I know this isn't the reason for most women, but I prefer that it be put back down because I have a bladder the size of a damn chickpea, and it's easier just to know I can sit normally if I'm in a hurry than pull the seat back down or position myself to hover. Plus, it's my apartment. I'm here more than my brother... he's half living in New Orleans because of his band. I clean and keep up the place, so I make the rules. Likewise, if I were at a guy's place and he specifically asked me to leave the seat up, I would.


Staff member
Funny or not, I can't stand hearing someone blast loose with a great gassy poop when I'm trying to pee. All I can imagine is his anus prairie dogging out spraying crap all over the inside of the toilet. And I try try try not to be xenophobic, but the bathroom makes it more difficult. People from the East, be it India or Asia seem to have the most offensive smelling crap. Given that I work at a university, I've had a veritable rainbow of ethnic groups from which to sample the smell of shit.
I've given up arguing with women on this subject because in my opinion the "we don't look" excuse is rubbish.

I put the toilet seat AND LID down everytime. And can you imagine I actually get complimented by the ladies for being "well trained"? Fuck that! I do it for the inconvienance. If I have to look before I go (which only takes half a second to look and adjust to the proper usage position) then I will make damned sure that any woman using the bathroom after me will have to as well.

Besides, an open toilet is not the most aesthetic.


I also call bullshit on the not looking arguement as I have never once heard a woman complain that she sat down on the lid and pissed on herself because of it. If she can look to see the lid is down it stands to reason she can look to see where the seat is.
Funny or not, I can't stand hearing someone blast loose with a great gassy poop when I'm trying to pee. All I can imagine is his anus prairie dogging out spraying crap all over the inside of the toilet. And I try try try not to be xenophobic, but the bathroom makes it more difficult. People from the East, be it India or Asia seem to have the most offensive smelling crap. Given that I work at a university, I've had a veritable rainbow of ethnic groups from which to sample the smell of shit.
Every aspect of that is disturbing to me.
At my please, I leave it as I used it. I don't care either way, I'll check before I do anything. At another person's place, I always close everything - for the same reason TN noted. I've gotten bitched out over leaving it up before, so now I close it all the way, making sure EVERYONE has to go to the trouble of putting either one or two things up. I've never, ever been able to understand why a guy should put it back down. If anything, leaving it up is PROOF that I was considerate enough to not pee through the seat, so be thankful.
If I am going to have guests over, I want the seat down when they go to use the toilet, just like I want to have fresh hand towels, an uncluttered sink, and no burned out light bulbs. These things are not critical to my bathroom experience in any way but they are considerate. It is not the end of the world if the toilet seat is up, nor if there are other things less neat and tidy in the bathroom. You could argue until you are blue in the face about how inconsequential it is to lower the seat or leave it up, and you would be right. But it makes for a more welcoming bathroom if you leave it down.


I'll add another vote to the 'falling in makes no sense' argument. Sometimes, when I stagger to the bathroom in the middle of the night, the lid's up. Now, I don't turn on the light, so when I sit down to pee, I sit down on the rim. And you know what happens? Absolutely nothing. I sit on the rim, and piss in the bowl. I mean, it ain't the most comfortable of things, but it's not any worse than sitting on the lid by accident. And I've been doing this since I was a kid, so it's not a size-of-the-ass issue. I think I may have fallen in once, but it's no big deal. Your butt's a little wet. Wipe off the water, and resume business as normal.
I fixed that issue early with my woman. She gave me an earful, I said I'd try better, then I forgot to do other things by "accident". Forgot to flush... but hey, the toilet seat is down. Now, she's just happy if I flush. Now I'm happy that I don't miss. Progression people, progression.
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