update on Callistarya

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Thanks To all of you! This is a pretty rough ride. I try to look at it like this.... We already have 3 awesome kids and the Cancer will be GONE with the surgery. The tears are shed daily but we know we've already been blessed. You guys are the best. Though we're totally freaked about all this and it's all happened so fast, we have faith that all will go fine and I will have healed just enough to stand at the alter and say I do the most wonderful man in the world. :) (and then immediately ushered to the nearest chair. lol)

Thanks again for all the love and kindness you all have shown us. I means so much!


Staff member
I didn't want to ask about the kids thing because that would have been rude. I thought you did. Still, get better ASAP.
Ovarian cancer runs prevalently in my family, so I know how much this sucks. My mother had her hysterectomy when she was in her 30s, luckily she had us 3 kids beforehand. Long story short, I know that it's hard, but I also know it can be beaten. Best of luck to you!


My mother-in-law went through this. You'll be okay. You have the Chazwozel seal of quality on that one. Best of luck.


Staff member
I'm trying to think of some clever pun on "uterus" or "fallopian", but nothing's coming to me.

Sorry to hear about your lady parts. Hope it goes well, and I hope this nips everything in the bud.


Staff member
My sister-in-law had her hysterectomy today and came out fine. Reading your post was just like the conversations I've been having the last week with someone else. Same disease, same place, same outcome.
Seriously, hope everything goes well and you recover quickly.

I'm trying to think of some clever pun on "uterus" or "fallopian", but nothing's coming to me.
Just know that should you need us, the entirety of Halforums is at your cervix.

(Sheesh Fade, do I have to do everything around here?)
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