The not-so-serious but I want to rant thread.

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does poop trump barf? I've stepped in dog poop in barefeet atleast twice that I can recall. And yet I will STILL tempt fate by going barefoot in grass.
So, the ex has basically decided to go back to Ontario for the rest of the summer, and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

On one hand, maybe the distance might help me get past things, but I doubt it'll have very much bearing at all. It would mean that the social situation will be that much easier to navigate for those months, but I'm not really sure it's that bad to begin with.

And on the other hand, it's weird enough to me that we're broken up. It'll be a hundred times weirder for her not to be around at all. I expected to be pretty decent friends with her again someday, but if she leaves now and then I leave in September when she gets back, we'll probably never have the time/opportunity to get back to a good place, especially since the girl absolutely sucks at keeping in contact if you're farther than ten meters away from her.
So, the ex has basically decided to go back to Ontario for the rest of the summer, and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

On one hand, maybe the distance might help me get past things, but I doubt it'll have very much bearing at all. It would mean that the social situation will be that much easier to navigate for those months, but I'm not really sure it's that bad to begin with.

And on the other hand, it's weird enough to me that we're broken up. It'll be a hundred times weirder for her not to be around at all. I expected to be pretty decent friends with her again someday, but if she leaves now and then I leave in September when she gets back, we'll probably never have the time/opportunity to get back to a good place, especially since the girl absolutely sucks at keeping in contact if you're farther than ten meters away from her.
sounds like it's the best thing that can happen. When my GF dumped me one of the best aspects is that we were long distance, so I didn't ever have the chance to see her. Going cold turkey made things a bit easier.
So, the ex has basically decided to go back to Ontario for the rest of the summer, and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

On one hand, maybe the distance might help me get past things, but I doubt it'll have very much bearing at all. It would mean that the social situation will be that much easier to navigate for those months, but I'm not really sure it's that bad to begin with.

And on the other hand, it's weird enough to me that we're broken up. It'll be a hundred times weirder for her not to be around at all. I expected to be pretty decent friends with her again someday, but if she leaves now and then I leave in September when she gets back, we'll probably never have the time/opportunity to get back to a good place, especially since the girl absolutely sucks at keeping in contact if you're farther than ten meters away from her.
Especially when SHE DOESN'T WANT TO BE WITH YOU. This keeps coming up, and you really have to admit it to yourself now - it's over. She doesn't want to hang out with you. You two aren't going to be buddies and be cool with each other. She has literally placed a few hundred miles of savage, barren wasteland (Quebec) between herself and you. You really need to take that as a sign.
I'm sorry, mon ami, but Null's pretty much hit it on the head. For whatever reason, whether in or out of your control, it's over now. Recognize it for what it is, grow from it, and move on. Continually picking at it is only going to drive you nuts and leave you upset.


Staff member
Grah! I hate the BMI! It's oversimplified and does not work for people who fall outside the norm, like me. I have medical confirmation too! While I was at the doctor they tested my body fat %, and while I am overweight, I'm not as overweight as my BMI would suggest. In fact, if I did the math correctly, were I to drop 24lbs and be 170, without losing any muscle, I'd have a 15% body fat. That's pretty good, even though the corresponding BMI of 25 would say otherwise. If I were to drop to 160 to get a 24 BMI and be just within the normal range, I'd have to be at 11.5% body fat, and that's down into serious athlete territory, I think. For me to get a BMI of 22 and be right in the middle of "my" recommended weight range I'd have to weigh 150lbs. For most guys who are 5'9" that's probably realistic. For me, if the test results are accurate and I kept all my current lean body mass, at 150lbs I'd have 5% body fat, and that is nearly as low as an adult male can get.

The BMI can print itself out, fold until it's all sharp corners, and go stuff itself in it's own metaphorical nether-regions.
It's the same for me, man. Last time I went to the doctor's he did the whole BMI on me. I'm 6'4" and 280 lbs. I count as "obese." But due to the way I am built, it is impossible for me to get down to under the overweight range (I'd have to be right at 200 lbs.). He wanted me to try and lose about 20 lbs and then I'd be pretty well off. Thing is, I'd still be "obese" according to the BMI. It's a giant crock of shit.

Wasabi Poptart

Grah! I hate the BMI! It's oversimplified and does not work for people who fall outside the norm, like me. I have medical confirmation too! While I was at the doctor they tested my body fat %, and while I am overweight, I'm not as overweight as my BMI would suggest. In fact, if I did the math correctly, were I to drop 24lbs and be 170, without losing any muscle, I'd have a 15% body fat. That's pretty good, even though the corresponding BMI of 25 would say otherwise. If I were to drop to 160 to get a 24 BMI and be just within the normal range, I'd have to be at 11.5% body fat, and that's down into serious athlete territory, I think. For me to get a BMI of 22 and be right in the middle of "my" recommended weight range I'd have to weigh 150lbs. For most guys who are 5'9" that's probably realistic. For me, if the test results are accurate and I kept all my current lean body mass, at 150lbs I'd have 5% body fat, and that is nearly as low as an adult male can get.

The BMI can print itself out, fold until it's all sharp corners, and go stuff itself in it's own metaphorical nether-regions.
I totally agree. If I got down to what the BMI says I should weigh I would look like a skeleton. My weight where I looked my best still had me at obese.
5-10%body fat is elite nba player territory.

It's what top ufc fighters fight at...

for a common normal person to reach that is unrealistic to say the least.
When i was in the navy, I had a 26 inch waste and 3% body fat. Due to my low percentage of body fat, I got counseled several times to gain weight. I'm 5'11" and weighed 195 at the time. The BMI calculators had me at "borderline obese". heh.
Especially when SHE DOESN'T WANT TO BE WITH YOU. This keeps coming up, and you really have to admit it to yourself now - it's over. She doesn't want to hang out with you. You two aren't going to be buddies and be cool with each other. She has literally placed a few hundred miles of savage, barren wasteland (Quebec) between herself and you. You really need to take that as a sign.
Perhaps I haven't been clear about the situation, but we are both very near to the core of each-other's social circles. Her best friends are my best friends. We have hung out since breaking up, and she does want to remain friends, as do I. We've talked about it. Hell, we're getting together after work today together to go shopping for a barbecue.

I realize that it's romantically over. I really do. Maybe it doesn't seem like it because in moments of weakness and confusion and frustration and anger I come here to let it out, rather than let it spew over my irl friends where it has the potential to make the social situation uncomfortable. If I'm honest, it has occasionally been a little difficult being around her. I mean, going from dating to friends is a difficult gear-change for me. But it IS happening. I'm not as hung up on this as it might seem.
Well, Rob, if you didn't post so much about it, and your "confusion" over a very simple situation, I probably wouldn't get that impression. But this has come up in a few different threads, and you're getting the same basic set of responses. You do give the impression that you're still pretty hung up on this and I really don't know what else can be said.
I went to Taco Bell last night and much to my disgust they raised the prices of most of their food. Most everything I order from them has gone up about 50 cents (if not more). Everything on there :quote:value:quote: menu is either crap or no longer a value. I know they are trying to entice people to buy their new $2 meals but I don't want chips and a soda with my order I just want to order my burritos at a half decent price.
Well, Rob, if you didn't post so much about it, and your "confusion" over a very simple situation, I probably wouldn't get that impression. But this has come up in a few different threads, and you're getting the same basic set of responses. You do give the impression that you're still pretty hung up on this and I really don't know what else can be said.
I'm sorry. I thought I had kept it pretty much to the Rant threads. Perhaps I have posted about it a lot, but it's been weighing on me over the last few weeks, and I've always found it helpful to get these things out of me ... telling someone about it and talking about it. This is a big deal for me, and I'm just trying to work it through. I'm not necessarily looking for responses or advice or support, although they are all nice and I'm grateful for those who have weighed in. As I said though, I'm mostly just trying to work it out, and posting it in what I thought was an 'anything goes' thread has been helpful.

I guess I'll just shut up about it, though, if it's gotten that irritating to dredge through.
I guess I'll just shut up about it, though, if it's gotten that irritating to dredge through.
I don't think the issue is that we're annoyed by it, it's that we want you to be happy again and you seem to be investing way too many brain cells in dwelling on the past. Part of the reason I wanted you to visit TO this summer is so I could buy you and Nicky some beers and we'd all have a genuinely awesome time and maybe you could think about something else for a while.

Offer's still open, BTW. For anyone really. You come to my city, I buy you a beer and make you forget all yo troubles.



Staff member
I'll be honest, Rob, I wasn't annoyed, but I was concerned. Some things you were saying suggested that you didn't really want to accept what had happened. But if I misread, that's my problem and not yours. :p It just seemed like it might be hard for you to see her at all right now because of how tough this seems to be on you. Whatever happens, I hope that something positive comes out of it.
I wasn't going to say anything, Rob, but since it's the minor rant thread I guess I will add that it was a little frustrating to see you continuing to pine away for someone who obviously isn't in the same place as you, maybe causing you to not notice someone right in front of you who cares deeply, even though that someone worked really hard to make all of those mix tapes for you, which isn't easy mind you since they don't really sell cassette tapes just anywhere these days so you have to kind of hunt around for them and then once they're done and you've taken all the time to write all the names of the songs and artists and decorate the case with drawings of places that you imagine it would be fun to visit with the person you're making the tape for you have to find one of those yellow envelopes with the padding so you know the case isn't going to crack on the long trip to Canada and...



It would be nice to see you in a happier place was all I was trying to say. And let me know what you think of the Depeche Mode set. Waiting for the Night is one of my favorite songs ever.


Staff member
Hungry hungry hurty hurty...

Tired, sore throat, probably can't work tomorrow because I still croak like a choking toad. But I wants some foodsies... spaghetti carbonara or chicken risotto?
Since I had to go out of state for a friend's wedding I thought I should visit some family on the way. I let them know way ahead of time (at least a month in advance). I arrived last night. Today I find myself sitting in their house, alone, without anything to do. Apparently they all have undisclosed errands to run (with the exception of my aunt, who's at work), and don't seem to care much that I'm here. I've been told that I need to entertain myself, which would be a neat trick in a small town I haven't been to since I was a kid. I also don't have a car or any clue about anything around here.

Seriously, what the fuck? This is how you treat family? Whenever they come down to California we practically put our lives on hold and provide them with wherever they want. I get up here and they basically ditch me. Real classy.
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