What did you do without during this last year?

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Or what did you lose? In the vein of doing more with less, giving the economic situation for most of the world?
Dropped Satellite TV, started reading more instead. I still am limited to dialup at home, but I'm thinking of dropping the second line for it and limiting my net usage at home. Decreased my drinking significantly. Started making all my lunches and being smarter about what I spend on groceries.

It's has nothing to do with the economic situation for most of the world though. Mainly just me finally getting my shit together. Hell, so far this year I have been able to remodel my kitchen.


Along with Dave, also had my wife unemployed for most of the year.

Went without putting our daughter in after-school programs all of last year, just got her back this month.
Went without a vacation0typically to visit the in-laws in May. Will most likely skip again this year.
And just a lot less of the day to day or re-curring "extras" like date nights or fancy dinner on anniversary/birthdays.
No vacation either to Canada or to Williamsburg this year.

Haven't bought anything off Amazon since Feb 2009 (usually spend over a thousand a year)

Next weekend will be my first date in a year.

Haven't gone for sushi since last may.


Staff member
I didn't go to many movies, waited for a lot of what I wanted to see to come out on Redbox. Groceries went a little up at my usual store, so there were more meals made from cheap dry beans.

Kitty Sinatra

No massages :(

Well, actually just fewer of them since I only went to as many as my employer would reimburse me for.

I don't think I cut out anything else, although I tried to cut down on how many times I ate out; that was more of a health decision, though, as evidenced by the fact that I'm still trying to do cut back on eating out even though I'm currently making more money than I have time to spend. Only twice this week! Oh wait. Only four times this week.

---------- Post added at 01:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:01 AM ----------

Oh, wanted to answer "hookers" as a joke answer. That would've been a lie, though.
Decreased my drinking significantly. Started making all my lunches and being smarter about what I spend on groceries. Started serious pilates and some other strength training.

It's has nothing to do with the economic situation for most of the world though. Mainly just me finally getting my shit together. Hell, so far, I have lost 15 lbs and gained muscle mass.
Just a tweak on what Shakey wrote.
An actual case study for my masters thesis... i still can't believe i got an 8 for something i pulled right out of my arse.
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