Ravenpoe appreciation thread

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I appreciate him sending me pics of sun and happiness when I am bogged down in snow and sadness.. Even though he does it to be cruel.
Comparison of what the hats would say after creating a monster:

Raven's: Be of good cheer. If science teaches us anything, it teaches us to accept our failures, as well as our successes, with quiet dignity and grace.

Collagen's: Son of a bitch! Bastard! I'll get you for this! What did you do to me? What did you do to me?


Whatever, fight amongst yourselves. Just let it be known, that I am [STRIKE]QUEEN[/STRIKE] dork of headwear. :humph:
(insert mine.)

I actually think raven poe is very cool, and I'm glad to see him around. I kinda miss him, you know? Not like I miss Zod (he died, right?) but Ravenpoe is a fixture man. I don't ever talk with the guy, but it's like knowing doughnut shops are still in business, and though the world may go to hell in a high heeled hand basket, at least for now, there's Ravenpoe's mysterious presence, and doughnuts for all.

RPoe: I'm sorry I still, to this day, confuse you with that Pojodan person. Sorry. :(
Whatever, fight amongst yourselves. Just let it be known, that I am [STRIKE]QUEEN[/STRIKE] dork of headwear. :humph:
(insert mine.)

I actually think raven poe is very cool, and I'm glad to see him around. I kinda miss him, you know? Not like I miss Zod (he died, right?) but Ravenpoe is a fixture man. I don't ever talk with the guy, but it's like knowing doughnut shops are still in business, and though the world may go to hell in a high heeled hand basket, at least for now, there's Ravenpoe's mysterious presence, and doughnuts for all.

RPoe: I'm sorry I still, to this day, confuse you with that Pojodan person. Sorry. :([/QUOTE]

It's an easy mistake to make. I am furry*, while pojodan is A furry. Simple as that.

*This is of course referring to the amount of hair on my person, and not any hidden fetishes. Mine aren't actually all that hidden, just come into IRC sometime.
Of course you will, Jay, you're a serious tough guy hardass whatever.

Back to things that matter: I actually do think Ravenpoe is a nice guy, usually has something positive to contribute to a thread, and seems to have a good sense of humor about himself as well.
Of course you will, Jay, you're a serious tough guy hardass whatever.

Back to things that matter: I actually do think Ravenpoe is a nice guy, usually has something positive to contribute to a thread, and seems to have a good sense of humor about himself as well.
Hey man, fuck you!
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