People *I* Love!!

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Kitty Sinatra

So why didn't this thread get locked along with the other love fests?

Philosopher B.

Because you touch yourself at night. And during the day. And Magic Hour.



That's a sexy music video. Me and my buddy were just talking about that.
do you remember the shit storm it caused our parents? Said same parents who are now accounting for the boom in mature BDSM connection websites and viagra?

yeah, Hey, ElJuiskie, I love you man. I'd ride you like a stick girl on a drunken bull. but your avatar scares the shit outta me, hombre. Has for awhile.

Yeah, that Divinyls video and Robert Palmer were my only resort before we got cinemax when I was in junior high...


So... think it's safe to export the fedoras and whiskey sours from the locked threads?


I'm just happy I made it on someone's Love list lol :) I love ya too Dave......ok and the rest of halforums too even if some of you really make my mouth taste sour !


The fedoras are never free, my comrade. We paid for those fedoras with our blood sweat tears and bullets. They are not just hats. They symbolize something greater than that, my brother. Isn't that vision what we fought for? What Chico died for? Don't let Chico's death be for naught.


The fedoras are never free, my comrade. We paid for those fedoras with our blood sweat tears and bullets. They are not just hats. They symbolize something greater than that, my brother. Isn't that vision what we fought for? What Chico died for? Don't let Chico's death be for naught.
I have a fedora.

It's brown and goes great with my bullwhip and satchel.

The fedoras are never free, my comrade. We paid for those fedoras with our blood sweat tears and bullets. They are not just hats. They symbolize something greater than that, my brother. Isn't that vision what we fought for? What Chico died for? Don't let Chico's death be for naught.
I can never take the name Chico seriously because of a song my friend once played for me on guitar.

"My name is Chico from Puerto Rico.
I make three dollar a day.
I go see Lucy, she show me pussy,
and she take my three dollar away."


why must you dishonor poor Chico like that? *grandmother gypsy curse motion" I *ptahugh* on you and all your houses for ten generations! You will never be half the man Chico was!


I had a prof who wore a black fedora. Might be the only guy on earth who could make that hat look truly stupid. It was a sad thing.


The fedoras are never free, my comrade. We paid for those fedoras with our blood sweat tears and bullets. They are not just hats. They symbolize something greater than that, my brother. Isn't that vision what we fought for? What Chico died for? Don't let Chico's death be for naught.
I have a fedora.

It's brown and goes great with my bullwhip and satchel.


Though Indiana Jones's hat is generally referred to as a fedora, and was based off that design, it actually has a considerably higher crown and wider brim than is found in the more compact standard model. In some ways, it actually resembles a stetson with different creasing, or a felt panama.

The ones worn by the Blues Brothers and/or Freddy Krueger, on the other hand, are much more representative.

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