Celebrity Crush

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Kitty Sinatra

Sandra Bullock
Shania Twain
Marilyn Milian

That's all I can recall.

Philosopher B.

Hum de diddly-oo ...

This is my desktop right now:

Probably gonna get some heat for this one. :p

I'm a little over my Jessica Alba crush (stemming from her Dark Angel days), but still ...

And a two-fer ...

I saw that movie with Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz.

They were competing over Steve Zahn. No fucking way.
i had a huge crush on Gwyneth Paltrow for the longest time.

Annette Benning (15 years ago i guess)
Claire Danes
Naomi Watts
No real crushes to speak of.

But if given the opportunity, i'd nail Ally Sheedy just so I could put "banged the weird chick from the Breakfast Club" on my resume.
Charlie Hunnam.
I don't normally like blonde guys, but, there he was, in SOA, hot, all badass and shit, driving his motorcycle, being a "nice" outlaw... so I started digging him...

but THEN I saw him on Hooligans recently... a little younger, yes, but almost BALD AND WITH A BRITISH ACCENT. All he needed was a little bit of beard, really.

...now I'm in love.
If I had ever been attracted to the opposite sex, I would have had a schoolgirl crush all the way to my current years on:



Ok here is my list......
-Justin Timberlake
-Jason Derulo
-Matthew McConnaughey (spelling???)
and hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I believe that's it I'm sure there are more though lol !
When I was in high school I had huge crushes on Neve Campbell and Denise Richards.

Now it would have to be...
Scarlett Johansson
Christina Hendricks

and I can't think of anybody else.


Staff member
Charlie Hunnam.
I don't normally like blonde guys, but, there he was, in SOA, hot, all badass and shit, driving his motorcycle, being a \"nice\" outlaw... so I started digging him...

but THEN I saw him on Hooligans recently... a little younger, yes, but almost BALD AND WITH A BRITISH ACCENT. All he needed was a little bit of beard, really.

...now I'm in love.
Charlie Hunnam.
I don't normally like blonde guys, but, there he was, in SOA, hot, all badass and shit, driving his motorcycle, being a \"nice\" outlaw... so I started digging him...

but THEN I saw him on Hooligans recently... a little younger, yes, but almost BALD AND WITH A BRITISH ACCENT. All he needed was a little bit of beard, really.

...now I'm in love.

Fuck, he's the Undeclared brit? How the hell did I not put that together. Good acting Charlie Hunnam, good acting.


Alyson Hannigan

Sarah Chalke

Eliza Dushku

Jewel Staite

Zooey Deschanel

Wasabi Poptart

I have to add a few. Hugh is my main obsession, but I also like...

Ewan McGregor

Nikki Sixx

James Franco

David Wenham

and...Sean Bean
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