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for cereal.

no, seriously guys. All of you. just absolute gushing love for you. I had the shittiest day, and then I come back here, and I swear, it was like the first meth fueled sex binger I ever had, complete with the body shots and powdered doughnuts at 4 in the am, followed by pants-shredding-alley-way-sex up against the while feeding each other greasy spoon french fries and listening to the soundtrack of Hair The Musical, in reverse. Spine arching, toe curling, salty greasy orgasmic hedonism, followed by a cigarette.

And then lots of puking, before watching the sunrise, wondering were the hell your pants are.

You guys are the bestest.

wow, i love you.

Crone my dear, should we ever allow our passion to be told, it would be a frightfull thing for the world these mortals live in. Let it just be said I appreciate your company.


Staff member
wow, i love you.

I've enjoyed these recent orgies of platonic affection. Yours is very creative. I'm glad you feel better.
wow, i love you.

I was going to drink alone, but I'll always have you guys and gals?

Thus I dodge alcoholism by a technicality. And for that I thank you.


wow, i love you.

seriously. I had a pretty crappy in all the sitcom-ways things Can go wrong manner of things going wrong on the dumb scale, and then I come back here and read threads, and laughed my ass off so hard I got hiccups. Vodka cures all ills. Well that and thinking about raunchy, dirty midnight by the streetlight sex with all of you. And setting stuff on fire.


wow, i love you.

And setting stuff on fire.
Is that why I just woke up with no hair?[/QUOTE]

surprisinglt, hair does not burn very well, or very pretty without lots of gel or hairspray. So no. Question is, judging by the state of your clothing, I'm assuming you meant the sub equatorial jungle raizing?
wow, i love you.

It's always a shame when I throw myself at Crone and she ignores me. But then when she needs me I'm not there for here either. Tis a pitifull reality.


wow, i love you.

It's always a shame when I throw myself at Crone and she ignores me. But then when she needs me I'm not there for here either. Tis a pitifull reality.
aw sweetie, you know the rule: Ladies first, and Cajungal before all.

No, but seriously, you just summed up my entire existence here. Unrequited love is the gutter.



wow, i love you.

why did I JUST now find this? NSFW

---------- Post added at 11:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:01 PM ----------



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wow, i love you.

And then we get moved into the nsfw forum. Thaaanks, butler


wow, i love you.

I may want to post on this forum again sometime in the future.


wow, i love you.

im waaay too old for this music, I think. But i still love you all.

especially Makare, Ame, Vytamindi, Wildsoul, Cajungal, How Droll, SeraRelm, callistarya, darkangel falineowlight Lally Laurelai Luizasan, RocketGirl, RollingSamus, and yeah. All you. All. Fruckdunk


wow, i love you.

Aw Im loved too. That's a miracle. I'll take it.
makare. dead serious here. you have no idea how much awesome you are to me . i wish i was a fraction of an iota of a quantum as awesome as you. If awesome were currency, people all over the world would have you in their pockets. (that made ten times more sense in my head but typing this drunk is hard enough.
wow, i love you.

Aw Im loved too. That's a miracle. I'll take it.
makare. dead serious here. you have no idea how much awesome you are to me . i wish i was a fraction of an iota of a quantum as awesome as you. If awesome were currency, people all over the world would have you in their pockets. (that made ten times more sense in my head but typing this drunk is hard enough.[/QUOTE]

Aww. Where's the love for your forbidden love that will end the world? I know it will bring about the demise of all the poor souls but can't we just tease for just a moment. A few hundred thousand isn't that big of a deal...

btw, also drunk
wow, i love you.

im waaay too old for this music, I think. But i still love you all.

especially Makare, Ame, Vytamindi, Wildsoul, Cajungal, How Droll, SeraRelm, callistarya, falineowlight Lally Laurelai Luizasan, RocketGirl, RollingSamus, and yeah. All you. All. Fruckdunk




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