callistarya is in surgery

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Glad to hear it went well... and don't forget to put in a pre-order for that new bed before the eight weeks're up. :eyebrows:


Staff member
Yay! Good to hear everything went a-okay, Calli. And please remember to warn the neighbourhood of the coming earthquake.


While you've got that wads of free time every evening, come post more ;-)
awwwe bubble. I miss you too. I think I'll be on quite a bit now.:biggrin:
Tin has me chained to the bed. hmmmm...:sneaky:
Ah HA! I knew you'd be okay! Now, I can use the other appropriate Scrubs clip!

Seriously, glad that you're okay. Hope you have a speedy recovery. :)


Staff member
So so happy that all is well. I've been keeping you both in my thoughts. Just got in, just saw this thread, otherwise I'd have posted earlier. Glad you're resting. :)
I'm not allowed to come over and give her one of my world-renowned foot massages anymore? Sheesh, do it yourself if you must ;-P
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