This is kinda embarrassing...

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I am kind of strapped for cash right now. You guys should know why. There's something I really want to have...actually, it's more of a need but I'd rather not say what it is.

So, guys, I need some help. I don't want ot just ask for help though. What I am trying to ask is if I put up an auction on a painting that I'll be finishing tonight...would anyone bid on it?

God. I really hate myself right now.


Staff member
his is kinda embarrassing...

How much you need and what are you selling?

I'll bid.

Kitty Sinatra

his is kinda embarrassing...

I kinda like your art style. I had actually considered offering to buy you a full set of those special markers in exchange for something.

If you make some work that's frame-worthy - and that hits my taste - I'd be willing to buy something off you.
his is kinda embarrassing...

I'm not really in the market for anything but I could donate a few bucks, if you wanna PM me your paypal or something.
his is kinda embarrassing...

I wish I could. However, I have only $10 for the rest of the week (paid the bills). I'm very sorry, LS.
his is kinda embarrassing...

Alas, I continue to be unable to indulge my generous tendencies. My apologies.

(although if enough people start having enough serious need, perhaps Dave could found a Halforums credit union?)

his is kinda embarrassing...

Okay. This would be the painting I'll auction:

It's a shame. I really do like it. ihs is painted on a large canvas. I can't remember the exact dimensions of the canvas but that can be provided if requested. I'll just whip out the ol'measuring tape. :p

The flash of the camera really doesn't do it justice.

I could be persuaded to do commissions though. I have a few canvases kicking around and lots of paper for small black and white or colored pictures.

Well, tell me if you think its worth auctioning.
his is kinda embarrassing...

Hehehe, the title made me think this was going to be something else because of the typo.

Wish I could bid, Sin, but I'm beyond broke myself :(

Kitty Sinatra

his is kinda embarrassing...

hmm . . . If you could be persuaded into commissions, I think I might like a couple of good-sized paintings done similar to these:

Well, I say "couple" though I really mean perhaps just one for over a bed, or a set of 3 to fill up a whole wall in my bedroom. I think a set like that would really fit in my bedroom.

I'm thinking about it.
his is kinda embarrassing...

hmm . . . If you could be persuaded into commissions, I think I might like a couple of good-sized paintings done similar to these:

Well, I say "couple" though I really mean perhaps just one for over a bed, or a set of 3 to fill up a whole wall in my bedroom. I think a set like that would really fit in my bedroom.

I'm thinking about it.
I love doing these kinda of sexy, retro pics. I could be persuaded to do some paintings like it. :)

Let me know. I could negotiate on a price....she says as if she knows what paintings like that are worth.
Well then. Turns out you need a credit card to auction anything on ebay. I don't have a credit card. :(

Oh well. Any suggestions?

As for how much money I need.. well. I'm not going to specify how much I need...but its a hefty amount the more I look into it. Stupid bills and, well, the other thing I need.

*le sigh*

At least I have a commission now thanks to Gruebeard! :)
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