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What was the worst thing you've ever done? What was the best thing you never did?
I fucked around for about 4 years of my college life, squandering thousands of dollars.

I saved two girls from being hit by a bus in a moment of Matrix-like slowdown-style clarity.
Out there in the cold, getting lonely, getting old, can you feel me?
I approve.

And... I too have wasted a good part of my 'college' aged years and the money involved therein. I don't think I've been too awful to anyone. Certainly the wasted time is my biggest personal regret.

The best thing I've done... Yikes. I don't know. Maybe I'm a horrible person. Oh wait, the best thing I did was when I discovered a friend hadn't yet seen the series Kings, I called him a Philistine. It's only funny if you've seen the show. Yeah, no, I got nothing. Now I'm gonna have to think about this question, actually. Find out if I have some better answers.
Best thing I avoided doing - a classmate of mine ran into me a few months after high school graduation and was bitching about having to pay for school. He knew a way I could make a LOT of money real fast; helping him deal guns and meth. I turned him down, figuring he was bullshitting me. A few months later, I saw his name in the police blotter for being pulled over with over a dozen stolen guns in the trunk of his car and drug paraphenelia.
Worst thing I've done? Stayed in a relationship with someone because he could have saved me. Now, I don't regret breaking it off, but I wish he wouldn't have been hurt... I grew up though, so that's good.

Best thing I've never done? Bathed in extra virgin olive oil.


Staff member
The bad things I do are in inches. I've done horrible things to certain people, but overall I'm a pretty awesome guy. The worst thing I've ever done was squander the love of my life because I held her up to some sick standard no woman could ever keep. Or maybe speeding. I have sped in traffic before.
When I think about these questions, I can't think of any answers.

As always, It seems I have done nothing with my life. That would count as a bad one, wouldn't it?


Staff member
I don't want to say the worst thing I've done. :(

Best thing I never did?
Stayed over at my Aunt Karen's the weekend that my parents were out of town--the weekend she chose to take her life since my mom wouldn't be in town to try and stop her. I know I've mentioned this before, and I don't really blame myself anymore, because I know that people who want to do that are going to do it one way or another. If anything it would have been a stall with how sick she was. Still, if nothing else, it would be nice to have one last memory of she and I doing something fun together. After the funeral, I realized I couldn't remember the last time we'd spent a day together. She was always too afraid/unhappy to leave her house. That's the one thing I'd go back and change, even if I'd have spend the whole weekend with her head in my lap, letting her cry.


What was the worst thing you've ever done?
Too many to list.

What was the best thing you never did?
Stand in the way of the two bullets that killed my young cousin.
Worst: Destroyed my first serious girlfriend's perception of me, her general trust in nice guys, and her world-view by breaking up with her, then guiltily hooking up with someone else a week later (long distance relationships for both *rolls eyes*

post script to that: We have since made up and maintain contact through the phone. Her husband, a Green Beret, still wishes me ill, though.

Best thing I never did: Make up with my Grandfather before he died. The last thing I said to him was a very polite goodbye after he began spouting alcohol-fueled vitriol.


Staff member
Worst: Two things, really. I once broke a woman's heart and then cut off contact :( And I stayed in a relationship far beyond the point where it was clear it was not meant to be.

Best: Hmmm... I dunno, really. I'm a bit of an asshole :(


Staff member
But it's the best thing you never did, not ever did, so a good thing you could have done but didn't do.


i never ask the easy questions. Cause if I did they'd be:

"What's your favorite color?"

"Do you like me?"

"Do you think I should stay at this forum, I'm not getting enuf atenshun"

etc. I always try to find questions that leave room for interpretation and minimizes the amount of room for those guys that always knee jerk a response that ignores the actual point. Note I said minimize, not "eliminate."
Worst: Hard to say, I knocked the hell out of a guy that pissed me off to the point that I was ready to fight. Then he decided to run. And I still gave him a kidney punch that sent him flying through a swinging door. it was lucky for him the door opened out. Or, Told the truth to a delicate question than ended a relationship with a good woman.

Best: I convinced 2 guys that they did not want to force their way into a car with two women. They were screaming at them telling them to leave. I positioned myself where I could fight them one at a time. Leaned over the guy at the drivers door and told him with the "voice of God" that it was time for him to leave. Or, I handed some random guy at a concert his roll of 100 dollar bills.
The way we interpret the question tells something about us as well.

Worst thing I ever did? Stopped attending classes for a semester during which I was also unable to make a real injury-causing suicide attempt. I quit at winter break and was basically unemployed and worthless for the entire next year while I fought serious depression - I'd psyche myself to get out of bed by taking a non-working replica revolver I had, sticking it in my mouth, and dry-firing it. Somedays took one. Others took more than six. Took me years to pay my parents back the tuition they'd paid, and longer to regain their trust after lying to them all year about how I was doing. Destroyed my little sister's trust in me by lying about everything - when I'd gotten up, if I'd taken care of things that needed doing, if I was okay. She still hasn't forgiven me.
Worst thing? On two separate occasions I retreated into myself instead of being honest with girls who were really good for me. Life was bad (or so I thought) and I drove them away/ignored them instead of just being honest about how shitty I felt all the time.

Best thing I never did? Graduating college. Fucked around and stayed depressed/lazy about it instead of getting through it.
The worst thing I've ever done... was manipulating the truth and combining it with untruthful things so fucking well that I scared myself. I never want to do that again, I really discovered a darker side of me I didn't know and I don't like.

The best thing I never did was accusing the guy who stalked and eventually molested me. It still makes me kind of angry to remember how scared I was and how stupid of me it was to not say anything to anyone and just try to deal with it all by myself.

I'd kick his ass if I ever see him again...

Philosopher B.

Worst thing I've ever done ... hmmm, I can't really think of anything specific. Maybe not take care of/improve myself in general? Best thing I've never done ... seen somebody for my depression.

Wasabi Poptart

Worst thing I ever did: I carried on an affair with a guy that I knew was married and it was the straw that broke the camel's back in their marriage. Not that this should excuse my behavior, but the affair started right after my grandfather's suicide. I was not in a very good place mentally. As I told one of my friends, I needed to feel something other than hollowed out and in pain. I never intended for things to go as far as they did. I can't say I wish our relationship never happened, but I have often felt guilty about their divorce and knowing I was part of why they split up.

Best thing I never did: I fell in love with my best male friend and didn't tell him until it was too late. I sounded desperate instead of sincere when I finally blurted it out. Shoulda, coulda, didn't. *shrug*
Worst thing I ever did was let my own insecurities destroy my relationship with the first girlfriend I felt I actually loved. Long story short, she thought I was neglecting her, and being a jerk, when in truth I was terrified of intimacy.

Best thing I never did was beat the shit out of the best friend she cheated on me with. I had the misfortune of finding out about it while I was staying at his house. I'm not a violent person, but I wanted nothing more than to hurt him. Still glad I didn't.
The worst thing I ever did was
lying to my girlfriend (now wife). It was a small thing, but it frickin' grew and grew until it was a huge lie. She asked me straight up one day if I was lying. I told her the truth. She has trust issues and we were working on them. She was getting tons better, and then I did that. It really set us back. I really wish I just told her from the beginning.
Second worst thing:
My last roommate is a messy SOB. Nasty messy. I told him multiple times to clean his shit up. I came home after being gone for a weekend, and the house reeked b/c of the garbage he didn't take out for a couple of weeks. I lost my temper and went on a tirade and started throwing all his shit in the kitchen on the floor. I threw his canister of coffee and it exploded all over the place. I swept up the coffee with all the other nasty shit on the floor and put it back in his container. I picked out all the big chunks of stuff. I then cleaned the kitchen and threw out all his garbage. He never knew a thing. He also didn't thank me for taking out his garbage. I kind of still don't feel bad about doing that. Effin prick.

The best thing I never did was
to treat my younger brother with love and respect and not pick on him and/or treat him like dirt while we were growing up. We're close now, but I regret being a big jerk, and not giving him someone he could look up to.
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