You ever have one of those years?

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Between my losing a job and my wife being diagnosed with cancer last year, 2009 was probably one of the worst years of my life.


Staff member
2009 is in the rearview mirror. The highs were pretty high and the lows were pretty low. Here's to 2010 and a rebirth of good luck!
The problem with highs in life is they make for a really long drop back down.
Ever since the summer of 2008 life has been a real rollercoaster. As Dave said, the highs have been high, but the lows are pretty damn difficult to crawl out of.


Since 2005 things have been pretty much a box of manure for me, with no sign of turning.

Element 117

2009 ended badly, 2010 isn't looking great, but upside i'm better off[STRIKE] that[/STRIKE] than many. right?
2003 was a bitch, the years following it weren't too great either. This year is finally looking up for me though, I hope it keeps up.
*knocks on wood


The last two years have been very difficult for me because of my sister. She has been in and out of rehab three times, she gets arrested a lot, and then in august she had that whole suicide attempt thing. For a while there I was really trying to emotionally prepare myself for the chance that she might die, because she killed herself intentionally or ODd or got drunk and plowed her car into a wall or something. She seems to be doing ok now but I don't like to even be positive about it because whenever I am, she does something else horrible. I will be happy when she grows out of this crap, assuming she ever will.

Philosopher B.

2008 was complete cock-balls. 2009 was mildly shitty, and this year is shaping up to be a pile of ass if only because effects from the events of the last couple of years are starting to catch up.

Philosopher B.

'95 was a blast for me. I was 7 years old. :p 2005 was pretty asstastic, though. Between the shenanigans over my grandmother's funeral and everything else that went on that year ... eugh.
2009 ended badly, 2010 isn't looking great, but upside i'm better off[STRIKE] that[/STRIKE] than many. right?
Perspective is all well and good, but just because objectively a lot of things may be good for you, doesn't mean it feels that way when you hurt for a reason.
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