I'm buying a bar!!!

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Well, technically, I'm trying to buy a house that has a sweet bar in it. :) It also has a Gazebo (wired for electricity, with a celing fan). I may allow it to live on the property if it behaves (Electric Gazebos are rare).

YouTube has failed me. I tried to find the scene in an episode of How I Met Your Mother where Barney and Ted drunkenly go back and forth about buying a bar.
I have to admit, I'm very strongly lobbying Rob to add an extra monster to our Tome of Monsters, the Field Mimic, or 'Guzibeaux'.
Shit, hopefully this place doesn't get ripped out from under you like the last one. It's got an awesome classic vibe going for it.

Wasabi Poptart

Nice house. I have a lot of good memories of parties in my grandparents' home that were held in the bar they had in the basement. It was also fun to play restaurant in there as a kid. :)
Looks like it may actually happen! Passed the home inspection last week with no major issues. VA appraiser went through on Saturday (haven't heard anything bad in regaurds to that). Have my loan locked in at 4.75% and I'm set to close on the 24th. Now to unload the condo. :)


Looks like it may actually happen! Passed the home inspection last week with no major issues. VA appraiser went through on Saturday (haven't heard anything bad in regaurds to that). Have my loan locked in at 4.75% and I'm set to close on the 24th. Now to unload the condo. :)
15 years right?? please say 15 years :) you don't want 30 cause you end up paying double of the home's worth by that time (give or take)

Congrats!!! woo.... party! party!


Thirty unfortuantly, but I plan to pay it off as early as possible (I have never made "minimum payments" on any loan).
that is good :) you don't want to pay too much interest on thirty. I use an online mortgage calculator and wow...... that is a lot of money to pay :(
@dr_awkward: Wierdness. After the seller accepted the offer they went off the radar (not returning calls, e-mails, etc.). The house was a short sell, but they did not sign a piece of paper that gave the realitor permission to go to the bank with the offer. Two months later the bank forclosed on the property (as there were no "offeres" on it) and sold it at auction a month ago.
So we are moved in and have started to put some touches of home on the place. The bar has started to be decorated. Here are some pictures:

I still need to find the box with my various shot glasses and some more mugs. My wife was dismayed that I found the moosehead (which had been packed up since college).

Also took a picture of the rec room


.... I think I'm the first to comment on it, but that looks like a really nice backyard, even if it didn't have a gazebo.

And to satiate my nerdy impulses:

Aren't you worried about sleeping so close to such a dangerous gazebo though? Sure, its a small one, but you said its electric! Are you protected against lightning damage?
@Cajungal We are indeed excited. My folks came out for a visit last week and got to stay in our guest bedroom (It's nice to be able to say that).
@Officer_Charon Thank you, and those are indeed D&B Glasses (D&B Houston to be exact, can't find the Provedence or Denver ones yet).
@Checkeredhat I have begun to call it a "pavilion" so that it does not worry me so much...

I need to get some pictures of the front. It is in full bloom and looks amazing. The winter picture above does it no justice at all.
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