CraigList robbers :( this is a sad story

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Wow. The father did his best to protect his children and died in the process (kids and wife is ok)

Basically the family is trying to sell their diamond ring and people who "buying" came over and try to rob them instead.

It looks like the father attack AFTER the child was pistol whipped by one of the assailant.


This is why you don't sell shit on Craigslist and have the person 'inspect it' at your house. Arrange a location - in public - to discuss that sort of transaction and try to get a trusted third party to come with you.
We've started seeing an increase of this kind of behavior here, too. Some burglaries are starting to be attributed to folks who are watching Craigslist.

As Chaz stated. In fscking spades.


This fucking sucks. I want to put my old treadmill and ping pong table up on craigslist, but now I'm paranoid about getting robbed and those damn things are too big to carry with me to a meeting location.

I guess I can meet with the buyer first and get their info prior to giving them my address.
That happened pretty close to me ( about a half hour drive) . But still as sad as the story is it their own fault for having them meet at the house.


That happened pretty close to me ( about a half hour drive) . But still as sad as the story is it their own fault for having them meet at the house.
for a ring, I can totally understand, but what about large item like furniture? I would love to sell my old couch, but there is no way I can load that baby up on my Scion and alas, most of my friends don't have trucks :( (due to fuel crunch)
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