New Job is Causing my Legs to Ask for a Divorce

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So, last week, I accepted a job as a bicycle courier here in Toronto. The majority of the orders are within the downtown core, though I had two pick-ups in the east end yesterday.

Overall, I'm enjoying it quite a bit. It wears me out by the end of the day, but I said before school ended that I wanted to bike a lot during the summer. Be careful of what you wish for, I suppose. Once I get a better feel for it in a few weeks and have areas memorized better, I think I might start bringing my mp3 player and start listening to audiobooks while biking from Point A to Point B.

With all that said? ARRRRRRRRGH. My poor legs. I'm not in as good shape as I was, say, last year, and I'm paying for it. I've done it two days in a row, from 8-5 (well, closer to 4:30) and my legs are begging for mercy. At this rate, I'm going to have pure muscle for legs.

Still, as I said, I'm enjoying it. Today, it's raining, but that doesn't stop me from working. Fortunately, I went to Moutaing Equipment Co-op last night, which has a ton of outdoorsy stuff. I bought me a bunch of rainproof clothing, including waterproof shoe covers (that slip on over my sneakers). So, Mother Nature? Bring it on, chowderhead. Bring it on.


Staff member
Do you wear the cape? Tell me you wear the cape!

In fact, even if you don't you should. People will see you and wonder who you are and possibly contact your business!
Wow! That sounds like a really cool and exhausting job.

Post pictures of the results at the end of the summer n_n


So, last week, I accepted a job as a bicycle courier here in Toronto. The majority of the orders are within the downtown core, though I had two pick-ups in the east end yesterday.

Overall, I'm enjoying it quite a bit. It wears me out by the end of the day, but I said before school ended that I wanted to bike a lot during the summer. Be careful of what you wish for, I suppose. Once I get a better feel for it in a few weeks and have areas memorized better, I think I might start bringing my mp3 player and start listening to audiobooks while biking from Point A to Point B.

With all that said? ARRRRRRRRGH. My poor legs. I'm not in as good shape as I was, say, last year, and I'm paying for it. I've done it two days in a row, from 8-5 (well, closer to 4:30) and my legs are begging for mercy. At this rate, I'm going to have pure muscle for legs.

Still, as I said, I'm enjoying it. Today, it's raining, but that doesn't stop me from working. Fortunately, I went to Moutaing Equipment Co-op last night, which has a ton of outdoorsy stuff. I bought me a bunch of rainproof clothing, including waterproof shoe covers (that slip on over my sneakers). So, Mother Nature? Bring it on, chowderhead. Bring it on.
Listening to an mp3 player while biking through a metropolitan area is a good way to get yourself killed.

You want to hear everything you can. Even to the point of not covering your ears in cold weather.

Now you can go out and get yourself a fixed geared bike, because they are dependable. Then again, I have no idea how hilly the town center is.


I second on the cape.
I say don't listen to music while running errands. you need to be total alert of your surrounding. You can go places with a bike that a car cannot and you don't want to make a turn and didn't see/hear the car/people coming around the corner. It can be a bad bad thing.
Its pretty remarkable how fast your body will get used to it. I remember my door to door aeration job last summer damn near killed me for the first few weeks. Biking in and from work an hour each way, pushing a 350lb aeration machine door to door for 16 hours a day 7 days a week. Came home the first day damn near suffering from hyperthermia, covered in blisters and calluses and red as as a fire engine. Only took about 2 weeks before I was able to do it without feeling like I was dying at the end of the day. And at the end of the summer, I was in the best shape I've ever been in.

Keep it up! You'll love it!

And, well, here in Oakville where the drivers are, for my money, even worse than in Toronto, its pretty safe to listen to music while you bike because nobody wants you riding on the road and there's no bicycle lane so you've got to stick to the sidewalk, in Toronto, you have to ride on the street, and I agree with everyone else, I don't think that seems safe to be listening to music or audiobooks while you go.


Staff member
Wow, yeah, I bet that gets tiring. But what a cool job! Lots of fresh air and exercise. I hope you enjoy it. :)
And you are wearing a brain bucket?

If not get one. It is not a matter of if you will wreck, but when.

I hit a dirt wall at 25mph, with a helmet and it still knocked me silly. I can only imagine what bouncing off a curb with out one would be like...


This thread needs a POLL for the cape on it, but I say also, WEAR THE CAPE!!!
Nick.. The SuperCourier!


And you are wearing a brain bucket?

If not get one. It is not a matter of if you will wreck, but when.

I hit a dirt wall at 25mph, with a helmet and it still knocked me silly. I can only imagine what bouncing off a curb with out one would be like...
I second on the helmet.


Staff member
...and if you DO wear a cape, make it a short one.

Also, when you start riding, you should shout "AWAAAAAAAAAAAY!" And possibly have some music to accompany you.
*Edna Mode impression* NO CAPES! Do you remember Stratusphere? Or Thundercracker?! NO CAPES! *hits you all repeatedly with a newspaper* Pull! Yourself! Together!

Also, upon further thought, you guys are right: no mp3 player. I have a radio to carry around and I might miss a beep from dispatch about an order or something.

I did, however, bike in the rain this morning. Fortunately, as I said, I'd stocked up on rainproof stuff. I felt like a walking tank in all the layers I wore, but it worked like a charm. Nick: 1, Mother Nature: 0.


*Edna Mode impression* NO CAPES! Do you remember Stratusphere? Or Thundercracker?! NO CAPES! *hits you all repeatedly with a newspaper* Pull! Yourself! Together!

Also, upon further thought, you guys are right: no mp3 player. I have a radio to carry around and I might miss a beep from dispatch about an order or something.

I did, however, bike in the rain this morning. Fortunately, as I said, I'd stocked up on rainproof stuff. I felt like a walking tank in all the layers I wore, but it worked like a charm. Nick: 1, Mother Nature: 0.
Word of advice - don't taunt Mother Nature.. she wins every time. ;)
Just about to hit the sack, but forgot to add one thing:

I had my first spill today. I was switching lanes on a street that has a lot of rails on it for the street cars. My front tire got caught in one of said rails. Unfortunately, it was also still quite wet, so I spun out of control and fell to the side. No major injuries or anything; just a few scrapes and bruises. I've taken worse.
*Edna Mode impression* NO CAPES! Do you remember Stratusphere? Or Thundercracker?! NO CAPES! *hits you all repeatedly with a newspaper* Pull! Yourself! Together!

Also, upon further thought, you guys are right: no mp3 player. I have a radio to carry around and I might miss a beep from dispatch about an order or something.

I did, however, bike in the rain this morning. Fortunately, as I said, I'd stocked up on rainproof stuff. I felt like a walking tank in all the layers I wore, but it worked like a charm. Nick: 1, Mother Nature: 0.
Word of advice - don't taunt Mother Nature.. she wins every time. ;)[/QUOTE]

Oh, I dunno, she seems to be losing in the Gulf right now. Unfortunately.


Just about to hit the sack, but forgot to add one thing:

I had my first spill today. I was switching lanes on a street that has a lot of rails on it for the street cars. My front tire got caught in one of said rails. Unfortunately, it was also still quite wet, so I spun out of control and fell to the side. No major injuries or anything; just a few scrapes and bruises. I've taken worse.
Do you have elbow and knee pads? You might want to consider them.
Seriously, if you haven't done so already, get an odometer. When people found out you spent the summer cycling, you're going to get asked how far you rode. It's more fun to actually have an answer to that question.


Nick, I blame my leg pain solely on you! (I kid)
My buddy bought me a brand new bike yesterday and I went on a decently long ride with him around town... I haven't ridden in 9 years, and I'm about 75lbs overweight from what I was (at 250 now) when I was actively riding.. but yesterday I was able to ride for a while and charge up a good incline - until my legs felt they were on FIRE... that and my gluteus maximums were and still are screaming "KHAAAAAN!"

and I was a sucker for punishment again today, trying to keep up with my buddy driving my car at 30mph (didn't want to disassemble it to fit in car again) as I rode bike to my office to store at. Heh, I didn't last long racing, but I got to almost 20mph before said muscles gave out.. they are screaming at me again,..

But I'm happy that I have the tool to exercise with, and though it hurts at the moment, I'm looking VERY forward to feeling much better and much healthier than I've been in years! Thanks for being a guinea pig and inspiring me to get back to riding as well!
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