Introduce Yourself!

Hello there! Welcome to Halforums, hope you have a great time here, please watch out for grues.

Also, I think you'd probably be the right person to ask... what does volcano ash do to a plane's engines, really?


The tolerences between the engine blades and the engine walls are within .001 precision. Basically, the material in the air blocks the airways and coats the combustion chamber which then inhibits the engine from working.

Didn't happen in this blast, but they had a 747 lose power in all four engines about 10 years ago by flying through ash. Plane dropped to below 10000 ft before the pilots could get any of the engines started again.

Basically, just imagine opening the intake in your car and jumping ash into the pistons. The increased friction and extra material in the air would not allow the engine to work properly.


Not to mention the pumice in the ash would act like a bazillion tiny whetstones grinding off surfaces you want smooth and specifically designed.


And now I know who to pester when I'm designing fighter planes for NationStates :D
The humorous part to that is I'm an Aeronautical Engineer with my degree from Embry-Riddle...and I haven't done any engineering work since college....I do understand how a poor engineer can well and truely screw with a maintainer though.

Cobra Star

Been creeping around for so many years but never put in my two cents. Always felt like a member of the community, albeit the member staring through the window from the outside.

Why now? Alot has happened in my life and all the new threads popping out about recently single people has prompted me to join in with my own issues. Second wife and stepson left me and my two kids about 1 year ago, now I'm recently moved, new city, new life, new outlook in general. Figured it was a good time to also be a new "forum member".

About me? 28, gamer of all sorts (From console rpgs, MMOs, FPS, old school, new school and everything inbetween), also kind of a "jack of all trades/likes" kind of person. I like movies of all types (Sci-Fi, Horror, Comedy, Anime, Classics, Musicals) and music (my mp3 player can play Rammstein one minute, opera the next, and finish up the list with a little Blues Brothers). There are exceptions, I'm not too fond of country music or romantic predictable comedy.

I'm a single dad with two great kids (I know alot of people say their kids are great, but really mine don't get into half the trouble I see others their ages getting into), I work-out daily to keep in shape and I'm just an all around nice/sweet/gentlemanly guy (totally works against me in the relationship world it seems).

I pretty much spouted out whatever questions would have been thrown at me so... woot dead before it began thread?

Oh yeah, recently buzzed my head, wasn't sure about it at first, but quite satisfied with the results:



Element 117

Do you REALLY think you've answered all the questions we can think of? Really?

Also, Haiiii there

Cobra Star

I now have this image of you writing up this post and browsing the forums while driving in your car.

You've been married twice at 28?
Sounds like you've been through a lot for a guy so young.
Good to hear you are keeping a good outlook on life though. :)

Oh, and your avatar is win.
I started way too young.

I met this girl at around 16, thought her best friend was cute (but in a relationship) so I was talking to the girl in the meantime (to get more info on the girl I was interested in). Well teenage hormones and all that we ended up sleeping together and on the night she lost her virginity, she got pregnant (we had only been dating 3 weeks). I thought the "right thing" to do was marry her so we did. Married at 17 and a father to be with a girl I had known for about 3 months.

Within the first year we realized that we didn't really "get along" but tried anyway. Around year 2 she got pregnant again (we weren't aware that the painkillers were nullifying her birth control) so even though things were bad we kept trying to work things out. After 4 years she decided she wanted out and I tried to get her to stay. I later found out she had been cheating on me for almost a year. She didn't even fight me for custody of the two kids. I've had them since.

Girl two was a single mother I met during the course of my divorce. Again I had known her for less than 6 months before I moved to a city 3 hours away from my home life to move in with her. The mistake I made with her was the same as first. I moved way too fast, got in too deep, then realized that we were not compatiable after our kids had already grown accustomed to living together and we tried for 6 years to keep the family sane. In the end, she too wanted to leave and I fought to try and keep her. I later find out that she was doing drugs for the last 6 months that we were "trying to work things out" hence she'd got batshit on me for no reason. So reconsiliation was pretty much impossible.

Yeah, awesome I know.

Do you REALLY think you've answered all the questions we can think of? Really?

Also, Haiiii there
Yeah, no idea what I was thinking with that line.... should have known better.

Cobra Star

Oh, and your avatar is win.
It's also the inspiration for my name "Cobra (Commander) Star (Scream)".

Hiya! I like your hair longer but the new do is also nice.
Problem with my hair was, that I was getting male pattern baldness on my front scalp as well as on the top (Rogaine only helps the top) and it was really really thin so there was little I could do with it. I went with the buzz (wanted to go shorter than it is, but tried this much for now) for a more "Jason Statham" kind of look.


I think once you get used to the buzz cut you'll like it, a lot less hassle, took me a bit but now, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cobra Star

Welcome :biggrin:
Howdy Do!
Thanks you two, feels alot better to participate than just to watch. I've been around for a long time and it's a really good feeling.

Well, despite all the challenges you've endured, sounds like you did a great job on those kiddos. :)
The harder split on them was the second one, since they grew up with my ex's son since they were 2/4yrs old. 6yrs together to be told "You're not family anymore" was messed up and I hated every second they were trying to deal with that. Yet they've come out stronger, smarter and alot more resolved.

Cobra Star

I think once you get used to the buzz cut you'll like it, a lot less hassle, took me a bit but now, I wouldn't have it any other way.
Oh I agree, I liked it right away. I was just hoping to have gone shorter than I have it right now. I know for next time.

Welcome, welcome!

Glad to see that our lurkers are people too, right? :biggrin:
Only when a Command Center uses "Scan" on us.....

Welcome to the boards. That's quite a life you've led there! Hope things work out for ya.
I'm hoping too, I miss having someone to share my life with. Day to day activities, dates, cooking for, and just cuddling with. That will come in the time it's meant to come though. No more rushing for me... I think this is the longest I've been single since I was 15.

Element 117

Soylent green is lurkers?

Dear Cobra Star:
Favorite Sexual fetish?
Weirdest food accident?
Weirdest talent?


Staff member
Welcome, o fellow initiate in beardedness. I too am glad to see you've got a positive outlook on things.

Have fun, look around, don't ask about the steak. Or pizza.
Been creeping around for so many years but never put in my two cents. Always felt like a member of the community, albeit the member staring through the window from the outside.
Creepy stalker part of the family? I've said it before and I'll say it again, we have quite the little dysfunctional family/community model going here.

Welcome to the poster side of the forum and may your lurkerness be a thing of the past.

Cobra Star

Soylent green is lurkers?

Dear Cobra Star:
Favorite Sexual fetish?
Weirdest food accident?
Weirdest talent?
Well Dave says they're people, so then yes, they'd be Soylent Green.

1: I was a swinger with both my last two relationships, so I've seen and done alot of the fetishes. Strange thing is I didn't really have a favorite of one thing over another. I found out that bondage and pain were NOT my thing though. Sappy as this is, my favorite sexual situation was just me and my loved one, passionately talking to each other (not dirty sex talk, but lovingly) and just making love slowly for hours.

2: Food accident? All the time, I've always been a "cook" since I was young. I'd sit on the counter next to the stove with my mother and help help with whatever she was making. Weird though? Wasn't my accident, but my ex-mother in law was over and wanted to make us pancakes. Well instead of a little bit of sugar and alot of flour, she reversed it....

3: Weirdest talent? Hm, I'd have to say my ability to judge velocity and moving things. (If I was a superhero, it'd probably be Longshot) I was an archer in high school and the innate talent to judge the movement of things and how to target them just came naturally and never really left me. (I'm fantastic at carnival games). Oh that, and plush cranes. I spend $3 and get about $20 in stuffed animals every time.

Welcome, o fellow initiate in beardedness. I too am glad to see you've got a positive outlook on things.

Have fun, look around, don't ask about the steak. Or pizza.
I've always just been a positive person. Drives alot of people in my life crazy though. I've had bosses chew me out to my face, and all I can do is smile. When asked if it bothers me, I can honestly say it doesn't. I worked as a bartender for many years and irrate customers never "pissed me off".

As for the pizza and steak? Yeah I've been around for those threads, but to be honest I like almost any kind of pizza (though I shouldn't with my lactose intolerance) and I prefer my meat "Prime Rib" medium rare.

Creepy stalker part of the family? I've said it before and I'll say it again, we have quite the little dysfunctional family/community model going here.

Welcome to the poster side of the forum and may your lurkerness be a thing of the past.
Yeah I've been around a really long time. To give some indication, I was around during the "Zod wars". My lurking days are over though, this reception is more than I expected and glad I did.

Cobra Star

I would have just said "Pre-Image boards" but that sounded more epic.

Wasabi Poptart

Hello and welcome to the world on the other side of the window. :laugh:
They all say they'll be "regulars" now, and then they disappear for months and months only to come back to post once or twice and never to be heard from again.
