Ugh I hate sunburns!

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So I took my motorcycle out for a ride for the first time in about a year drove about 2-3 hours total, went down by the beach, go pelted with sand *yay* went to the saltgrass steakhouse and and some food then headed home my arms from the end of my gloves to the bottom of my shirt sleeve completely red and hurting ouch

Wasabi Poptart

My dad always puts Water Babies sunblock on his arms and face before he goes on his motorcycle. Just a thought for next time.
I feel your pain, brah!

You never think about sunburn when you're on a bike, because the wind keeps you cool. As I discovered the first time I was able to ride without my leather jacket. Owieowieowie....
I heard, and this might have been a joke, but I heard that if you put preparation H on it that'll fix ya right up.

Some people swear by it.


Staff member
I once went to an outdoor swimming pool on a hot summer day. Swam for an hour or two.

For the next two weeks, my back was one huge, scarlet burnt scab, baked hard and crusty. Were it not for aloe vera, I could not have worn a shirt.
For some reason every time I see the thread title, I keep thinking it says "Ugh I hate sideburns!"

I hate sunburns too. We should start a club. The Mr. Burns blocks the sun club.
My dermatologist makes me take some pills to protect my skin from the sun. During the winter.
I'm not made for outdoor living...

Philosopher B.

For some reason every time I see the thread title, I keep thinking it says "Ugh I hate sideburns!"

I hate sunburns too. We should start a club. The Mr. Burns blocks the sun club.
Sideburns are pretty hateful, though. Mostly because I can't grow 'em. :(
I still have a line on my back from 23 years ago when I was doing an oil spill clean up in the Sabine River. I got sunburned through a work shirt and T-shirt while swimming in the river, pushing the oil to the vacuum truck.


Sorry bout your pain.. but am I the only one to notice the irony with "sunburn" and "CrimsonSoul" ? :D
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