U.K. Banned Doctors who claims Vaccine linked to autism.

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There was an old thread, but it was closed already so here is a new one.
The General Medical Council also found Dr. Andrew Wakefield guilty of "serious professional misconduct" as it struck him from the country's medical register. The council was investigating how Wakefield and colleagues carried out their research, not the science behind it.
I didn't know you could "vote" a doctor's off from being able to practice at least not this way.
"You" can't. The General Medical Council registers and regulates doctors in the United Kingdom. It has the power to revoke the registration, or place restrictions on it, if they deem a doctor unfit to practice in the UK.


"You" can't. The General Medical Council registers and regulates doctors in the United Kingdom. It has the power to revoke the registration, or place restrictions on it, if they deem a doctor unfit to practice in the UK.
It works this way with anyone who has to be licensed to practice anything from lawyers to nurses. The boards dictate if you get one issued and if you fuck up, whether you get it taken away.


Staff member
And he's not fighting it from reports I've been reading. He hasn't fought so far and he's not going to file an appeal.

Plus there's a lot more to this. He experimented on kids without their knowledge or their parent's consent - and this includes unnamed invasive procedures. He broke several ethical laws as well as accepted and then misused money for research. This guy was out to do whatever harm he could and screw the people he hurt. Too bad there's a metric fuckton of idiots who still believe him and his shoddy "research" and won't get their kids vaccinated.


And he's not fighting it from reports I've been reading. He hasn't fought so far and he's not going to file an appeal.

Plus there's a lot more to this. He experimented on kids without their knowledge or their parent's consent - and this includes unnamed invasive procedures. He broke several ethical laws as well as accepted and then misused money for research. This guy was out to do whatever harm he could and screw the people he hurt. Too bad there's a metric fuckton of idiots who still believe him and his shoddy "research" and won't get their kids vaccinated.
I still love how perfectly the start of this vaccine/autism scare correlates with a rise things like measles and polio, you know things that were a big concern in the 1900's and shouldn't be in 2010. Fucking morons would rather listen to quacks and Jenny McCarthy than the majority of medical doctors....
The one rebel doctor knows more about medicine than the rest of the profession.

The rise of Autism has nothing to do with parents putting off having kids into your late 30's or 40's......


Actually, it probably doesn't have much to do with anything at all. To the best of my knowledge, there isn't any good data suggesting that there is an autism epidemic. What we have is an increased awareness of autism and a broader diagnosis. So, before, if your kid was a little – shall we say – off, you might not bring him to a doctor, because you might not suspect autism. Now that everyone knows about autism, you will, and he'll get diagnosed. Furthermore, the definition of 'autism' is broader than it used to be. Now, kids who once would have been diagnosed as autism-spectrum are being diagnosed as autistic. So, all this considered, there really isn't an increased rate of any particular behavioral condition, just an increased number of people carrying the label, who would before have not been considered autistic.


And he's not fighting it from reports I've been reading. He hasn't fought so far and he's not going to file an appeal.

Plus there's a lot more to this. He experimented on kids without their knowledge or their parent's consent - and this includes unnamed invasive procedures. He broke several ethical laws as well as accepted and then misused money for research. This guy was out to do whatever harm he could and screw the people he hurt. Too bad there's a metric fuckton of idiots who still believe him and his shoddy "research" and won't get their kids vaccinated.
From what I understand, Jim Carrey is one of his biggest supporters.
And Jim Carrey is a fucking idiot. His movies make me laugh, and if I was looking for an expert on making their asscheeks talk or making funny faces, he'd be first on my contact list. For medical advice? Not so much.
Jim Carrey also probably claimed to believe this guy because at the time he was docking Capt. Winky's sub in McCarthy Bay.


yeah I just know that before his Twitter #boing attacks, while I was still following him :p .. he was one of the guys' ardent supporters. Me? I'd like to see proof of research, done in ETHICAL ways.. other than that, TLDR the articles.


And Jim Carrey is a fucking idiot. His movies make me laugh, and if I was looking for an expert on making their asscheeks talk or making funny faces, he'd be first on my contact list. For medical advice? Not so much.
*DId you know that before Jim Carrey became famous he was married and left his wife and kid after he made it big? He's a huge dickhead from what I hear.

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