Yikes! Shego is probably going to get one of these (DARPA sniper scope one shot)

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Is it odd that, for years now, whenever I've seen the word/acronym "DARPA" I think of Decoy Octopus?
didn't read the article, but I'm hoping it's the new high-tech scope that comes with a computer system that has a wind meter thingy on it and you put int he distance of the shot, how hard the wind is blowing (the computer gives you that info) the type of round being used and it gives you the info to put into the scope


didn't read the article, but I'm hoping it's the new high-tech scope that comes with a computer system that has a wind meter thingy on it and you put int he distance of the shot, how hard the wind is blowing (the computer gives you that info) the type of round being used and it gives you the info to put into the scope
yup! also it is not infrared so it can't be detected. It suppose to use some laser to determine most of the info and such. So when you see the dot, you should hit it.
Sounds like it's all going to be built in, you won't have to put in the info.

Now the idea is to integrate the brassboard equipment into a special nightsight/thermal/optical telescope instrument to replace the one carried by the sniper team's spotter, linked either wirelessly or by a cable to a display widget attached to the scope on the sniper's rifle. The new smartscope will hold the various lasers, instruments and calculating hardware necessary to generate the virtual crosshairs in the gunsight display.
So, you don't have to be a "good shot" anymore? Just point-and-click? I can see how it would make a sniper's life a bit easier, but there's surely a downside to this tech.
So, you don't have to be a "good shot" anymore? Just point-and-click? I can see how it would make a sniper's life a bit easier, but there's surely a downside to this tech.
Electronics can always fail, and if it does you'll still have to be a "good shot" to get the job done.. I doubt they would lower the standards because of this new tech.
So, you don't have to be a "good shot" anymore? Just point-and-click? I can see how it would make a sniper's life a bit easier, but there's surely a downside to this tech.
Electronics can always fail, and if it does you'll still have to be a "good shot" to get the job done.. I doubt they would lower the standards because of this new tech.[/QUOTE]

Not to mention the simple fact that a Sniper does more than just shot people.

Element 117

You do realize what you have just willingly opened yourself up to there, shooting off like that.


Staff member
I am having a hard time believing that this could actually work. First lets look at this quote for the "one shot" system:

. Military brass hopes the system will give snipers a perfect shot at least six times out of ten.
If they are hoping for 6 out of 10 I would guess that 3 out of 10 is more likely (brass has a bad habit of buying into the hype). Even if 6 out of 10 was right I have a very hard time believing that's the stat for the full 7 miles. I'm also curious how you could accurately map an ever changing wind profile in such a way as to let someone know where to shoot right when they do. Or how you can shoot a tight beam laser 7 miles without having it get diffracted by all the garbage that would be in the air.

I dunno....I don't buy it. Just seems like some more Land Warrior prototype stuff that may be the beginning of something we see 20 years from now, but for right now....meh.


0.7 is not just plausible, it's entirely possible. People have made 1 mile shots with a REGULAR scope.
Yea. but right now all the neat stuff they are planning to put into it. It would be awesome. I have to agree that it won't replace the skilled sharpshooter, it will enhance them. I am still in awe of the snipers taking out pirates of Somalia :) can you imagine with these scope in their hands? ;)
7 miles just isn't plausible with regular ammunition - gravity will pull the slug down far before that. Even the largest practical man-fireable cartridges have a maximum effective range of 3500 meters, tops. And that's your 25-30mm shells, not .50 BMG or .416 Chey-tac type ammunition.

The limit to sniper weapons has never been optics, it's been the grade of ammunition. Reliable match-grade ammunition is the biggest key to sub-MOA accuracy, not the viewer. A scope like this might help with target acquisition, but in terms of shooting, I don't see it.

Besides, eliminating the spotter is a BAD IDEA. Spotters don't just highlight targets and feed the shooter environmental conditions, they overwatch the area and provide security for the shooter - the spotter will have a regular battle rifle while the shooter has a sniper/DPM weapon. Also, it allows the team to switch roles, which is essential - after a certain length of time of concentration, the brain basically stops accepting new information and you space out. Sniper/Spotter teams switch off responsibilities to prevent that kind of burn out.


Staff member
I thought 7 miles seemed ridiculous. Which is why you NEVER write a decimal place without putting a zero in front of it (because of idiots like myself)
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