I'm Batman

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I am the Batman.

There is evil on these boards. I am here to purge.


Wasabi Poptart

Purging evil? Bitch, please. You're going to be running around here whinging on and on about how your parents are dead and you know it. Waaaaa waaaa waaa. I'm the Batman and I'm an orphan.


You're not Kermit the Frog either. I know, I know. It's not easy being green.

Element 117

Yay, another alt of a delusional person tripping an old old meme for the lulz. Not stale at all. Thank god genspec saved the day. Also, thanks for reminding me that dead parent jokes are funnier if you have as much money as I do.

Has anyone seen my belt? The one I got from home depot? I'm running late to this bondage party and there's this crazy cat ears wearing chick that really digs belts like these. Fuck, if smiley face Jack took it again I will hit him with my car.


Yay, another alt of a delusional person tripping an old old meme for the lulz. Not stale at all. Thank god genspec saved the day. Also, thanks for reminding me that dead parent jokes are funnier if you have as much money as I do.

Has anyone seen my belt? The one I got from home depot? I'm running late to this bondage party and there's this crazy cat ears wearing chick that really digs belts like these. Fuck, if smiley face Jack took it again I will hit him with my car.
I know right. If only we could all be like you where everything we touch turns to gold.

As for me, don't worry, this alt won't be around much.


Yay, another alt of a delusional person tripping an old old meme for the lulz. Not stale at all. Thank god genspec saved the day. Also, thanks for reminding me that dead parent jokes are funnier if you have as much money as I do.

Has anyone seen my belt? The one I got from home depot? I'm running late to this bondage party and there's this crazy cat ears wearing chick that really digs belts like these. Fuck, if smiley face Jack took it again I will hit him with my car.
(Makes sure Jack gives back the belt in pristine condition) :)
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