Is it me...

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It's been a tad slowish. I would try to help, but my inane attempts at bringing humor seem best suited to one post at a time, not whole threads.
I went to two movies in one day last week, but 4 is a stretch even for me! And I pay less than 5 bucks for a ticket!

(it's too much time-wise, not money-wise. 20 bucks in a theater get spent just by buying popcorn and soda ¬¬)
Okay, through a comical series of circumstances, I only ended up seeing Splice. But I liked it a whole lot!

I was going to go to three during the day, then A-Team at midnight. A-Team is still happening, I just didn't see Greek or Date Night. I might try to do them Sunday or Monday.
I cannot get this out my head. It turns me on, too.

I've always considered Let It Be to be the weakest post-THC Beatles album, but Let It Be...Naked takes care of that by leaps and bounds and puts it on the same level as Abbey Effing Road.
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