Hmm. I do support the government to an extent. AZ law for example, I don't support. I think it is a bad idea (see that thread if that is still around) Generally I have no problem with police and the rules they operate within in. I am more about the establish lawful rules and following them. I don't agree with the unjust laws (like AZ laws) or laws that suppress human rights (like the lack of same sex marriage and such)Past discussions about police with you mostly. You seem like a person who values government types over the lives of American civilians.
Sounds interesting, but alas, these people do not follow normal rules. I mean they are recruiting people who are financially stable and do crazy things. I mean we have read articles that people around the world are following their dogma (faith, whatever you call it, I can't think of the right words) people abandoning all their worldly goods and join them ready to cause terror.Honestly I've always thought the only way to defeat the insurgency was to get Iraq's economy buzzing along like a busy little beehive. Reduced unemployment leads too fewer mercenaries joining the insurgents ranks and robs them of some of their brightest soldiers. After that would be shutting down the flow of military grade explosives to the insurgents and going after their financing.
Once those things happen there will be a few holdouts who will try to continue the fight but without the fear of those around them it'll be easier to hunt them down and drag them in front of court where they can be tried and executed.
Actually planning on fighting the ground troops and grunts of the insurgency should be a measure of last resort because winning a war through killing of the enemies troops is a really stupid way to win.
This police action/war (whatever you want to call it) is not like any other type of fight the world has to fight against. It is not a typical one where you can defeat/negotiate with the leaders and they will just drop their arms and have peace. I am sure if the economy is stronger, then they will have more money to access better weapons and bombs.
of course it doesn't help that there are two to three factions that has been at each other's throat for over 2000 years.