Comments from +/- Rep Notifications

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Staff member
They were supposed to go on for a sixth season, too, but instead they got cut. Jon Lovitz tried his hardest, and Season 5 is still a strong season. Bill McNeal was just an awesomely constructed character, though, and Phil Hartman pulled it off brilliantly.

The end of News Radio ended on a perfectly strange note though. Like the AVClub said, it's funny to see Dave and Matthew stranded together, for eternity. Kind of like Bill and Matthew in "Space"...


Staff member
It's got some gems in there. I think Patrick Warburton does a great job in his turn as King of the Winos. There's also the Boston Accent episode, and the one where Max feigns leaving so he can get a date with Beth.


Staff member
The first episode opens with basically a eulogy to Phil Hartman. Then the season goes with Jon Lovitz filling the gaping hole left by Phil being gone. The gang has plenty of shenanigans, then Jimmy James decides he's retiring, selling the station and moving to New Hampshire. Eventually everyone follows him to New Hampshire for their own reasons, except for Dave, who thinks its all crazy and stupid. As he goes back to his desk, he is surprised Matthew decided to stay.

The two of them linger in the empty News Radio set for all of eternity.
all of eternity is something you inferred yourself or do they actually mention it or use dramatic lighting to imply it or something?


Staff member
No, I mean, that's how they ended the show, with just the two of them left there. I would have pointed out that's obvious, but News Radio had done abstract zany shit like that specifically, no, they didn't take that direction.
Yeah that's why they asked, I didn't put it past them to use a dramatic voice over to say they were there for eternity or something. Magnificent bastards.
Hmm all of my rep has been positive except one. That one was written by a total pussy who didn't even have the balls to leave a comment. Sigh. I guess some people just have to bilk anonymity.
I hear crying to Dave will let you find out who neg-repped you, but that's only for whiny people, and you should have more self-respect than that.


I don't really care who did it. Having a name doesnt really change the fact that this person is a candy ass. I mean what would i do PM them or something?
Yeah. Cry to Dave, find out who they are, and then curse at them for the negative rep. But that would seem kind of pointless, like you have too much time on your hands or something, or are really insecure. You don't want to be that person.


hehe that would be funny actually.
"why did you neg rep me dont you like me? i didnt mean to offend you oh please pos rep me to undue the effect of your neg rep!! :'(
hehe that would be funny actually.
"why did you neg rep me dont you like me? i didnt mean to offend you oh please pos rep me to undue the effect of your neg rep!! :'(
Yeah, it was pretty funny. I mean, it would be pretty funny, to get a PM like that, and just smile and shake my head... I mean, the person who received it would smile and shake their head.
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