Esc's 4e Game, ON BREAK

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Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

Hmm, this will make the beginning interesting already. Very cool, Jay.

So, Paladin, Warlock, Barbarian so far.
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

Wow, 2 stikers 1 defender. But not a sticky defender, but if the strikers go the with temp hp builds, the healing of the paladin might suffice. If I go Leader, we have zero battlefield controll, so our fights need to be super short, unless I make a heal bot 9000 to help us survive the longer uncontrolled fights.

Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

You have no idea what kind of fights I'm intending though.

Make something you will have fun with.
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

This is really something I'd like to consider. How does participation look, Esc?
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

Shawn, I'd love to have you, but I wanted to keep it at three + Julie for now, since this is my first time ever DMing. And then Far has dibs when I get ready for five people, although maybe by then six won't be a problem either. We gotta see how I handle it.

Since I'm intending to do sessions weekly unless I have something happening on a Wednesday (or if I feel like I need to do 3 weeks at a time instead of every, we'll see), hopefully I will get into the groove quick enough and be open to new characters joining the game. I know that's not as fun as starting at the start, but I wanna get the hang of this before I go as large as you and Julie, who had both DMed before your current games. Sorry :/.


Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

You know, the more I think about it, the more I get the feeling that I'm going to end up screwing things over for the group if I try to play at this stage in my life. It may be best if you find another player :/

Sorry about causing a setback.
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

Jaisahn the Meek, Cleric of Pelor, Human

Ability Scores: Str 8 Con 14 Dex 11 Int 12 Wid 18 Cha 14
Class Features: Healers Lore, Healing Word, Ritual Casting (Gentle Repose, Holy Water), Channel Divinity: Divine Favour, Healers Mercy
Trained Skills: Religion, Heal, Diplomacy, Arcana, History
Feats: Pacifist Healer, Restful Healing
Background: Disadvantaged; Bonus Feat Divine Familiar
Languages: Common, Common Braille
At Will Powers: Astral Seal, Sacred Flame, Recovery Strike
Encounter: Exacting Utterance
Daily: Beacon of Hope

story to follow
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

My character v1.0 - Not Final

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Kraag, level 1
Human, Barbarian
Build: Rageblood Barbarian
Feral Might: Rageblood Vigor
Background: Auspicious Birth (Auspicious Birth Benefit)

Str 18, Con 16, Dex 12, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12.

Str 16, Con 16, Dex 12, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12.

AC: 15 Fort: 17 Reflex: 13 Will: 12
HP: 33 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 8

Perception +4, Endurance +7, Acrobatics +5, Athletics +8

Arcana, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering -1, Heal -1, History, Insight -1, Intimidate +1, Nature -1, Religion, Stealth, Streetwise +1, Thievery

Human: Improved Rageblood Vigor
Level 1: Weapon Expertise (Hammer)

Barbarian at-will 1: Pressing Strike
Barbarian at-will 1: Howling Strike
Bonus At-Will Power: Howl of Fury
Barbarian encounter 1: Desperate Fury
Barbarian daily 1: Swift Panther Rage

Maul, Hide Armor, Adventurer's Kit, Climber's Kit, Horn, Hunter's Kit, Throwing hammer (2)
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

If you took Recuperating Strike as an At-Will, Escushion might go insane :)

Me: Astral Seal target X, whose defenses are all at -2
Jay: Recuperating Strike at X, hit deals 1W+Str, and you heal 4 HP and gain 3 Temp HP, with both our dailies in effect it's 9 HP healed and 8 Temp HP every hit, that's essentially your bloodied value in healing every round

Esc, are Dragon Marks available?
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

You know, the more I think about it, the more I get the feeling that I'm going to end up screwing things over for the group if I try to play at this stage in my life. It may be best if you find another player :/

Sorry about causing a setback.
That's cool. We'll grab Shawn, I'm sure. Thanks for being honest!
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

Jay: Recuperating Strike at X, hit deals 1W+Str, and you heal 4 HP and gain 3 Temp HP, with both our dailies in effect it's 9 HP healed and 8 Temp HP every hit, that's essentially your bloodied value in healing every round
Mmmmm... Mmmm.... Mmmmm.... !
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

If you took Recuperating Strike as an At-Will, Escushion might go insane :)

Me: Astral Seal target X, whose defenses are all at -2
Jay: Recuperating Strike at X, hit deals 1W+Str, and you heal 4 HP and gain 3 Temp HP, with both our dailies in effect it's 9 HP healed and 8 Temp HP every hit, that's essentially your bloodied value in healing every round

Esc, are Dragon Marks available?
No Dragon Marks.

Take whatever abilities you want to, guys. I like interesting things :p.

I will see about a fourth; asking Far first, and then Shawn, though I'm not sure how either of them feel about it. If neither want to, I'll extend the invite to a fourth, and if no one wants it by then, we'll have a three-person game. I'll PM Far.

EDIT: Actually, I looked at Far's post and it seems like we misread each other's posts. This game will be 6:30 EST, Eastern, and he's available at 6:30 PST, Pacific. That's 9:30 here--way too late. Sorry, Far :/.
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

Jay: Recuperating Strike at X, hit deals 1W+Str, and you heal 4 HP and gain 3 Temp HP, with both our dailies in effect it's 9 HP healed and 8 Temp HP every hit, that's essentially your bloodied value in healing every round
Mmmmm... Mmmm.... Mmmmm.... !

Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

Jay, whenever you get him finalized, be sure to send me the character builder file.

HC: Need to know your equipment, age and alignment too.

PM was sent to Shawn; we'll see if he wants to play with us still.
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

Is there a deadline? I'm still playing around with him. Mostly, what I wrote above is 90-95% done.

PM me your email.
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

I would say that if we're going to have the game on July 7th, I want your sheets by Monday July 5th. It's probably not going to affect the first session too much--if I need to scale up or down any encounters, I can do it during the game. But I still want them at least by July 5th.
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

No worries Esc. I used to live in the EST timezone and am there visiting now so I probably saw the time and just had a brain fart. Good luck with the game.
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

Doesn't look like I should probably join this campaign. Seems like Wednesdays are the only day I can go see this gal friend of mine.
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

Well, we're open for a fourth. Otherwise, we'll have (until someone wants in) a barbarian, a cleric, and a warlock.
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

Sheet sent, macros done. Background will come eventually.
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

For equipment; I will start with leather armour, mace and adventuring kit, along with general tunic and clothing.

As for the 100gp extra, I would like to buy a cart/wagon with a donkey, a tent that goes over said wagon some, food (human and animal) and medical supplies (bandages, clean scalpel) and what ever is left over split between ritual components and petty cash.
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

You going for an orb or rod implement, or just no implement?

Ritual components have an item price. When you guys are playing you'll get to haggle with vendors and merchants, but anything you want right at the beginning will be priced as the thing says. The components for Gentle Repose are 10g, and for Create Holy Water are 20g.
You have 10 days of rations (5g).
I had to wing it with the donkey (25g) and medical supplies/scalpel (5g).
The tent was 10g, the wagon 25g, and so you have 5g in petty cash.
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

Are we planning to play tonight? I read that somewhere else.
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

You going for an orb or rod implement, or just no implement?
Only Holy Symbols are permitted for clerics, but I did forget to include one (stupid distractions). Please add a holy symbol as part of the routine gear in the form of a signet ring of Pelor.
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

No, HC never gave the okay, Julie's not ready either. Not sure either of them had their macros set up anyway. So no D&D at all this week; my game will be next Wednesday, July 7th.

This'll give time for any possible fourth to join before the first session anyway, and if it's just you three, that's fine too.

Also, HC, you have another language choice. Humans get a bonus language. Unless you meant it to be Braille, which is fair, as none of the others will get it, but you will only have Common and Braille is probably only going to come up in situations for you anyway (for now, might change later), so if neither Jay or Julie object, you can pick an additional language. (And Julie said okay.)
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

Still need a language if HC wants another.

The game will be Wednesday, July 7th, 6:30 Eastern time. Figure out what that is for your time zones--half hour before Shawn and Julie's Thursday game starting times. If you wanna come early and make sure it all works, that'd be cool too, though I've been checking the maps and not having the problem Julie has.

Julie still owes me a character sheet.

Since I don't have backstories or personalities of anyone but Kraag, I'll be using him to get the action going in the first session. But I'd like to know if any of you three know each other, why the cleric or warlock are in the city (if they don't live there), etc. If I get nothing; no worries, we'll make it work.
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

I'm open to any suggestions. Do note that I know nothing of the other characters.
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

Me neither. I know names, classes, races. I know HC's guy's moves because I have a character sheet. No backgrounds, personalities, why they're here. Kraag, I know why, and I have guidance for getting things moving.
Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

Okay, all sheets are in--I'll assume HC doesn't want another language unless he tells me tomorrow, or something.

I heard there's a D&D game tomorrow!

Looking forward to playing with you guys and I hope I do well.


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Esc's 4e Game, get your reward for ale & whores

I might listen in if I get a chance. I'm eager to see how ikkle Dawyll does at DMing. ^^
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